Renowned comedian and actor Ilana Glazer has garnered much attention recently owing to their latest Hulu special, Human Magic. The Daytime Emmy winner also opened up about the circumstances around which their acclaimed sitcom Broad City ended. As such, many fans have a heightened interest in Ilana Glazer’s personal life, including details about their husband. But who is the Hollywood star married to?
Here’s everything you need to know regarding Glazer and their husband’s relationship history.
Who is Ilana Glazer married to?
Ilana Glazer has been married to their husband David Rooklin since 2017.
Similar to many of their high-profile peers in the industry, Glazer has mostly decided to keep their marriage away from the public eye. Nevertheless, they consistently drop hints about their romantic life with Rooklin in their public appearances.
What is David Rooklin’s job?
Ilana Glazer’s husband is a dedicated academic and has little to do with show business. He completed his bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in 2002 from Oberlin College before going on to secure his Ph.D. in computational biology from New York University in 2012, as per People. Presently, Rooklin heads Redesign Science, a company he co-founded in 2017. As described by Rooklin himself, the organization comprises “a world-class team of scientists, engineers, and drug developers creating a new paradigm for drug discovery driven by molecular simulation.”
Ilana Glazer and David Rooklin’s relationship history
As mentioned earlier, Ilana Glazer and their husband, David Rooklin, have mostly kept their romantic life out of the public eye. That being said, Glazer did reveal in an appearance on Live with Kelly and Ryan that they met their future spouse in 2012 in New York City’s Washington Square Park. Describing the encounter, the actress stated, “We just made eyes, and we were like, ‘damn.’”
After five years of dating, the pair exchanged vows in February 2017 in a private ceremony at City Hall. Four years later, the pair welcomed their first child together in July 2021. While Glazer has spoken about the experience of being a mother, they have decided not to share the name or face of their daughter with the public.