When it comes to anime, DanDaDan is the kind of title that you have to see to believe the hype. The anime series features a unique mix of supernatural elements with extraterrestrial beings, and its quirky characters make you want to check in on them as early as possible. So when can you expect to see the next episode of the hit show?
As DanDaDan releases weekly, new episodes debut every Thursday, and this week won’t be any different. Today, the series will follow its traditional air time in Japanese television, meaning that it will debut on streaming platforms on this side of the world on December 5 at 8:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST) and 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST). This means that, depending on where you are in the world, this means that you will get to enjoy breakfast or lunch with Momo (voiced by Shion Wakayama in the original and Abby Trott in the English dub) and Okarun (voiced by Natsuki Hanae in the original and A.J. Beckles in the English dub).
Once again, the new episode of DanDaDan has been released on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix. On the latter, the anime became a hit ever since it debuted and hasn’t left the top 10 list of most-watched titles on the platform. The show is averaging 3 million viewers a week on Netflix alone. Both the Japanese original and the English dub are expected to be released simultaneously, as it happened with previous episodes. The title of Episode 11 is yet to be revealed.
What Happens In Episode 10 of ‘DanDaDan?’
Episode 10 gives a bit of a breather to Momo and Okarun after the intense fight they were roped into in Episode 9. Even though they managed to neutralize a massive threat, this doesn’t mean that they’ll be free to enjoy some peace and quiet. The sneak peek at the end of last week’s episode revealed that Mr. Mantis Shrimp returns yet again. It’s not like we thought the fight with the Serpoians would be over this soon, but as we draw closer and closer to the Season 1 finale it’s possible that things escalate a lot more in the next couple of weeks.
For manga readers, DanDaDan is far ahead, and they already have an idea of what the Season 1 finale will look like. The highly popular manga series created by Tatsu Yukinobu is currently in chapter 175, meaning that there are still a lot of aliens and demons for us to discover in the anime series. However, animation studio Science Saru is yet to officially renew DanDadan for Season 2, so as popular as the anime is, we might get a pretty long hiatus. For now, however, we still have a couple of episodes to enjoy.
You can stream DanDaDan on Crunchyroll and Netflix.
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