Three seasons in, From viewers are still wondering what happened to Abby Stevens (Lisa Ryder), the late wife of the Township’s self-appointed sheriff, Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau). Although Abby isn’t currently one of the members of From‘s cast of characters, her presence lingers — both figuratively and literally. Created by John Griffin, MGM+’s sci-fi horror TV series centers on a mysterious town that traps all who enter. To make matters worse, the unwilling inhabitants of the town are hunted by From‘s monsters at night. Luckily, the Township has found a great leader in Boyd, a former Marine.
Like the rest of the townspeople, Boyd, Abby, and their son, Ellis (Corteon Moore), were on a road trip when they encountered a tree blocking their path. After turning around, the trio found themselves in From‘s strange town. With nightfall approaching, the Stevens family joined a few other residents in an underground shelter to wait out the night. Upon learning more about the town, the newly retired Abby and Boyd decide to put their three decades of military know-how to use by helping the townspeople craft a survival strategy. Sadly, the unbelievable and terrifying circumstances get to Abby.
Abby’s Death Before From Season 1 Explained
Abby Believes She Needs To “Wake Up” The Townspeople To Save Them
Although Abby’s death occurs before the events of From season 1, a flashback in the eighth episode, “Broken Windows, Open Doors,” reveals what happened to her. After hiding out underground, the Stevens family emerges to see the town’s main roads littered with bodies and blood. Father Khatri (Shaun Majumder) and Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) explain the logistics of the inescapable town and the nocturnal monsters. While Abby is more reserved, Boyd immediately jumps to action, suggesting that the townspeople board up the diner’s windows and all hide out together at night. Later, Boyd even finds livestock to ensure their continued survival.
Ultimately, Boyd is forced to shoot Abby.
The horrors of the town have a massive impact on Abby. Ellis notices Abby’s withdrawn disposition and asks his father for help. Boyd, who’s preparing to venture into the forest again, assures his son that he’ll speak with Abby soon. Although Boyd manages to find the monster-warding talismans that ultimately turn the Township into a safer place, his return to the town is delayed. When Boyd arrives in town, he hears gunshots. Haunted by the unreal nature of the town, Abby has had a full mental breakdown and begun shooting random townspeople. Ultimately, Boyd is forced to shoot Abby.
Why Boyd Shot Abby In From
Boyd Saves Ellis By Killing His Wife
One of the most tragic moments in From season 1 unfolds when Boyd is forced to shoot and kill his own wife. When Boyd hears gunshots, he drops the talismans and draws his own weapon. When he sees Abby picking off random townspeople, Boyd is incredibly confused. Boyd can’t seem to compute what he’s witnessing — but then Abby shoots another person. When Abby levels her gun at Donna, Boyd tries to talk her down. Abby explains to her husband that the town isn’t real. Confounded by the impossible nature of the Township, Abby believes it’s all a nightmare.
In Abby’s mind, the only way to save everyone from the shared nightmare is to wake them up. The dream logic, of course, is that shooting someone will wake them from the nightmare. Abby assures her husband that everything is okay, because it’s impossible to die in a dream. It becomes clear that Boyd’s disappearance, and subsequent survival, have only added fuel to Abby’s nightmare logic. If the creatures were real, Boyd couldn’t have survived the night in the woods, Abby explains. When Ellis runs over, Abby aims her gun at her son, which prompts Boyd to kill her first.
Abby’s Ghost Return In From Explained: Who That Really Is
Boyd Has A Vision Of Abby In From Season 2
Despite being dead, Abby returns in ghost form in the show’s sophomore outing. First, she appears to Boyd when he, Donna, Jim (Eion Bailey), and Randall (A.J. Simmons) are trapped in the Matthews family’s abandoned RV overnight. After hearing the haunting music box over the radio, Boyd realizes they aren’t safe in the RV — and that’s when a vision of Abby appears to him. Later, in the From season 2 cliffhanger finale, Boyd goes on a journey to destroy the music box playing From’s haunting nursery rhyme once and for all.
New episodes of
season 3 premiere on Sundays on MGM+ through November 24, 2024.
Before Boyd destroys the strange object, the vision of Abby appears to him again. The ghostly version of Abby tells Boyd that he doesn’t need to suffer or play hero any longer. When Boyd wonders why the monsters would let him see and speak with his wife, the vision of Abby explains that hope is the real threat. Boyd’s hope pushed him to leave Abby behind the day before her mental breakdown; it’s what feeds the hostile supernatural forces. While it isn’t clear what, exactly, this Abby is, she seems to be connected to From‘s music box monster.
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