If you feel like you are struggling to get to the end of this Connections puzzle, we can help you make it the rest of the way there. Today’s puzzle felt like a mixed bag to me, with some categories feeling much more obvious and some that felt way more obscure than I was expecting. It was an odd thing to work through, but one that I am now equipped to help you get through without the feelings of frustration that I had.
If you like Connections, there are many other word-based puzzles that you can try. However, if you want to go back to basics, you should try out the NYT’s Mini Crossword puzzle, which takes me back to the old-school paper crossword without the overwhelming nature of looking at over a hundred clues. It’s a great way to feel the nostalgia and have fun while doing it without it having to take up a significant portion of your day.
Today’s Connections Category Hints
NOVEMBER 05 #513
If you like me are feeling stumped by some of these categories, there is a fairly good reason why. Some of the categories look like they might be a pop culture reference but aren’t, and some categories are exactly the opposite! This can make things feel much more difficult than they are, and a few hints just might help you reduce that frustration and clear some of the fog away.
- One category is about a group of things that share a similar texture
- One category is about a different group of things that share a similar covering
- One category is about four types of creatures that all appeared together in the same franchise
- One category is about four words that come after the same word in a phrase – that word is something beyond the ordinary

10 Best Connections Tips, Tricks, & Strategies
Four categories with four words each sounds simple, but the daily challenge of the Connections game can prove difficult without a few tips to help.
If you want to be sure that you are on the right track, you can continue scrolling to look at all the category names in the table below:
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MAGIC ___ |
Today’s Connections Answers
NOVEMBER 05 #513
Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained
This category proved a little too frustrating for me, even being the “easy” one. I had already nailed two other categories, only to find myself staring at 8 words. I knew the easy category had to be among them, which felt incredibly frustrating. By the end, I knew what the category was but kept guessing the wrong combination of four words. CARPET was the main perpetrator behind all this nonsense, but I could not figure out what I was missing with the last category either. Knowing that would have told me which word did not fit in with the others.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained
This one was much easier and I was able to figure this one out without many issues. TURTLE stood out among the other words in the puzzle, although I thought there might be a Mario-themed category when I first read through the words. However, I had eliminated some of those potential words already, so I saw TURTLE and then CLAM and things started to click. EGG was also fairly obvious, but I was not too sure about NUT. Luckily, I was correct about the final word this time.

9 Helpful Tips To Beat The Password Game (& 1 Useless One)
The Password Game can be frustrating as it uses complex mechanics that can be difficult to figure out, even with help.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained
I believe this is not the first time there has been a Shrek-themed category in Connections, and I did get this one right away. Growing up when the movie first came out, it was hard to go anywhere or generally exist without seeing it about a hundred times. I therefore saw OGRE and DONKEY and knew exactly what the puzzle was up to, and I would have been highly disappointed if I was wrong. It’s kind of nice as well that both “couples” in the movie and featured here together.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained
MAGIC ___ |
Staring at the last 8 words, I could not figure out what was going on. I even at one point joked to myself about a flying magic CARPET, which now makes me quite sad and disappointed in myself. Overall, today’s puzzle was a whirlwind of emotions and a bit of a rollercoaster for me. Hopefully, with these hints, there was a bit less of a whirlwind for you, and you were just able to enjoy the happy parts of this puzzle.
Other Games Like Connections
If you need something else to help you wind down if you were on that rollercoaster with me, you should check out one of the puzzles in the box below:

- Released
- June 12, 2023
- Developer(s)
- The New York Times Company
- Publisher(s)
- The New York Times Company
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