Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For January 18, 2025 (Puzzle #587)

Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For January 18, 2025 (Puzzle #587)


If you feel the urge to finish today’s Connections puzzle, there are plenty of ways to do so without losing your winning streak. There is a strong impulse to want to win any game you play, and I am a very competitive person. When I am in danger of losing a Connections game, I start getting a little anxious about it. There were enough tricky spots that I got a little nervous going at the end, barely pulling it back from defeat. Luckily, I now can help you finish the puzzle without that anxiety.

The NYT’s Spelling Bee puzzle is quite a fun challenge. Building a host of words from a bee hive of letters is a satisfying way to spend a little time. There is always one letter that must be in every word, but the others can be mixed and matched to create however many words you can from them. Over time, your Scrabble-skills will be much improved and you will be a whizz at any spelling problem that comes your way.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

JANUARY 18 #587

Thorns in Connections Categories January 18

If you have an itch to finish more of the Connections puzzle today, there are a few things you will want to pay attention to. There are a few words that are quite tricky, and some details that are quite important. There was at least one group of words that I was trying to decide if they were a category or not, and the answer ended up being an emphatic “not,” so check your work before submitting an answer today.

  • One category is about something that motivates you
  • One category is about something that might get stuck in your clothes
  • One category is about something you might read on the back of a particular piece of technology
  • One category is about four words that can come at the end of the same phrase – that phrase is about switching something up


Wordle History: Archive Of All Past Words Used

Wordle is a simple daily word game that has taken the internet by storm. With only 6 chances to get the right answer, players may need a little help.

If those were not quite enough for you, there are still plenty of hints left to come. We are coming up on the category names now, which are usually the most helpful bit of information for me to get.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar


Today’s Connections Answers

JANUARY 18 #587

Thorn in Connections Answers January 18

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






If your IMPULSE wasn’t to combine all of these words, well, I’m not entirely surprised. While this did catch my eye, it was quite a challenge to narrow it down to the right 4 words. SPUR definitely belongs in this category under any other circumstances. However, it is one of those details you just have to pay attention to, as otherwise, you will keep going between all 5 words trying to get the right combination. Without figuring out the next category, there is no real reason to cut SPUR out of the mix.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






With this one, I think the word STICKER as a “barb” might be fairly regional. I am not entirely certain on that one, but I have heard it used in some places I’ve lived and not in others. With that being the case, and if you think SPUR could go elsewhere, getting this category might be difficult. SPINE also felt like it might go with PAGE and LABEL for a book category, so there were many things going on here that could be quite confusing. Luckily, I thought SPINE and THORN could go together, and slowly worked the rest out.


12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly

The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






Once I had it down to the last two categories, I was debating between putting all of the things that could “hold” smaller items, like TABLES, PAGE, and ALBUM, and what else might be the right answer. In the end, I went with this group of words mostly because they all had to do with the music industry, and that was a close enough guess to get me the rest of the way there. I was very worried I was wrong, as I was on my last guess, but this time I was correct.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar






I don’t think I would have gotten this group of words, although at one point I was pretty close as I thought CORNER, PAGE, and TABLES might be in the same category. However, I don’t think I would have gotten the right guess, as TIDE was a bit of a wrench in the rest of the category. However, by the end, I didn’t have to guess these words, and it all worked out which is all that needed to happen.

Other Games Like Connections

Use these puzzles to satisfy any gaming itch you still have after finishing today’s Connections.



June 12, 2023


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