Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For December 21, 2024 (Puzzle #559)

Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For December 21, 2024 (Puzzle #559)


If you feel like today’s Connections puzzle is making you a grouch, you can feel your mood increase tenfold by using a few tips and tricks to illuminate your way. There are plenty of potential options for you to explore in today’s puzzle, and a lot of potential places where you could make a wrong guess. However, we can help you stay away from those pitfalls and finish the puzzle without too much effort.

If you want to struggle with a different puzzle, the puzzle known as The Password Game is one that will keep you occupied for quite some time. It is actually a series of 15 mini-puzzles that you have to string together in order to create a password of admirable strength that no one else will be able to guess. You will feel a strong sense of accomplishment after making your way through all 15 mini-puzzles, and that is a great way to improve your mood this holiday season.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

DECEMBER 21 #559

Circle in Connections Categories December 21

If you need some hints about today’s puzzle we have all the ones you need to keep you from losing out. Today’s puzzle has some odd words, like O, thrown in that make deciphering what the categories are a little harder. To help you do this, we have the following category hints for you to use to make sense of the puzzle.

  • One category is about something that never ends
  • One category is about something that holds things you use to make something else
  • One category is about different types of something you use everyday
  • One category is about four things that can all be called by the same name


10 Strands Strategies To Quickly Solve The Theme

Strands is one of New York Times’ many puzzle games that consists of a unique 6×8 word search that requires players to use zig-zag solutions.

If you still need help figuring out these categories, there is something else you can use to help you decipher the rest of the puzzle. The category names tend to be a big hint toward deciphering the puzzle, and they are found in the box below.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar


Today’s Connections Answers

DECEMBER 21 #559

Circle in Connections Answers December 21

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






This category was fairly easy to get once I noticed CIRCLE and HOOP. RING was easy to add in, but finding and adding in BAND was a little harder. I thought O might belong here, but I was not sure until I tried it and was proven wrong. I think it’s a bit of a shame it doesn’t belong here as it is as much of a loop as anything can be. Alas, it is not going to be in this category today.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






I don’t really consider a CASSEROLE a cooking vessel. I think of it more as a dish in the square-shaped pan, but I suppose it works well enough. It was a little difficult to get this one done, but nothing too crazy. Once I got the sense of it, there wasn’t anything else that really fit into a cooking theme. So, whether CASSEROLE counted as a vessel or not, it got thrown in there because nothing else could be.


8 NYT Spelling Bee Strategies To Keep Your Streak Alive

The Spelling Bee puzzles created as a New York Times game build a streak of correct answers to get you more points, but they can be hard to keep.

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






This one was difficult at first, as MURPHY looks like a name and GROUCH was the only other obvious name. SLEIGH also doesn’t seem like a bed, but luckily BUNK did. Between BUNK and CANOPY I was able to get in the right area and I remembered that MURPHY is a particular type of bed. SLEIGH was the last one in, but at this point I was pretty sure it wasn’t a BALONEY bed.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar






This one was difficult to figure out at first, but by the time I got here, I was seriously wondering what connected these four words. BALONEY isn’t really called Oscar – or at least I’ve never heard anyone call it by the brand name. I don’t think it would be easy to get this one without coming to it last. Oscar the GROUCH is the easiest one to figure out, and you might be able to get the rest from there. O at least makes sense, but doesn’t feel like that’s what someone would automatically think.

Other Games Like Connections

If you are still in the puzzling mood, there are plenty more available to spark your interest. Personally, Absurdle scratches an itch the other ones don’t quite, as the chaos mode it unleashes is quite fun and exciting to slowly unwind. Perhaps unwinding this puzzle will also help you unwind in real life.

Game Name

How To Play

Is It Free To Play?

Wordle (NYT)

Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list.



Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints.


The Password Game

Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide.



Try to solve a game of Wordle without any help. With each guess, the game reveals as little information as possible, even changing the word if need be.



June 12, 2023

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