Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1!When James Gunn’s DCU brings the Justice League onscreen, I sincerely hope it looks something like the latest team of heroes DC just assembled. It’s a new day for the iconic team, which is bigger than ever. So big, in fact, it’s led to one subteam that would be perfect for a feature film.
As seen in the DC All In Special, the DC Universe’s heroes have learned their lessons and have re-formed, bigger and better than ever. Not only are they now a home to heroes of all stripes, they worked tirelessly to create the most advanced Watchtower ever conceived. Every hero plays a role here, including the Watchtower’s new security head, the Question. Thankfully, she’s got a crew working under her, and I think they’d be the perfect team to showcase in James’ Gunn’s new film universe.
The Question’s Justice League Team is a Unique Collection of Heroes
The Perfect Mix of Cool, Weird, and Useful
In The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1 by Alex Segura and Cian Tormey, it’s Renee Montoya’s first day on the job as the head of security for the Justice League’s brand-new Watchtower. Despite the doubts she holds about her new role, Wonder Woman welcomes her ally and takes her around their new headquarters and reveals that the Question will have a team to help her keep everything on the Watchtower running smoothly.
The first two members of the Question’s team she gets to know are the Blue Beetles. The older Ted Kord acts as Montoya’s weapons and tech expert, while Jaime is the Question’s eyes and ears onboard. Also working with the Question is Animal Man, who is in charge of the Watchtower’s Menagerie, an animal and alien sanctuary. And lastly, rounding out her new team is a blast from Montaya’s past, Batwoman, the Question’s ex who is now her field agent.
However, Renee doesn’t have the time to ruminate on her assigned field agent as the younger Blue Beetle brings a security alert to the Question’s attention. The Justice League’s base is attacked by the minor threat Conduit, who begins to tear up the Watchtower’s promenade. Thankfully, the Question stops Conduit by blasting him in the face with her laser rifle revealing it was actually an android in disguise.
James Gunn is Already Building Unconventional Teams in the DCU
The New Film Universe is Open to New Teams
After Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Justice League formally disbanded. However, that decision unfortunately allowed Amanda Waller to commit one of her greatest attacks on the superhero community when she used a team of Amazos to steal powers from the Earth’s metahumans. Thankfully, the heroes survived, and it taught them that the Justice League was needed now more than ever. After the dust from Absolute Power settled, the heroes of Earth spent weeks building up a bigger and better Justice League that opened its ranks to any superhero or metahuman looking for a place to call home.
We’re still several months away from James Gunn’s Superman and if you’ve been following the development like I have, then you know that he’s going to be including a Justice League-like team in the film. Mister Terrific, Metamorpho, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern Guy Gardner are all in it as a squad working under Maxwell Lord (at least that’s what I gather from set photos). Maybe Gunn wants a team reminiscent of Justice League International, or maybe he just loves these particular heroes. Either way, his willingness to experiment gives me hope that new teams can exist in the DCU.
I’d Love to See a Justice League like This in James Gunn’s DCU
No One Does a Motley Crew of Heroes Better
The thing I love about the comics’ reformed Justice League is that it’s so big, it allows for smaller teams of characters I never would have thought of putting together. But any team that has both Blue Beetles and Animal Man is a solid one in my book. Plus, there’s no doubt there will be some good drama between the Question and Batwoman given their history. Montoya’s smaller Justice League team is that right combination of cool powers, unique skills, and dynamic personalities that just works when all put together, especially if they were ever in a film together.
I loved Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, his take on the Suicide Squad, and I’m currently enjoying Creature Commandos. Gunn thrives at making what seems like an odd collection work, especially when he can use an underrated character (and honestly, who’s more underrated than Animal Man?). I’m sure Gunn has a lot on his plate before he even thinks about assembling a League in the DCU. But after seeing the Question’s team assemble, I’ve got no doubt that they’d make for a great Justice League in James Gunn’s universe.The Question: All Along the Watchtower #1 is available now from DC Comics.
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