“The Most Powerful Person in Existence”

“The Most Powerful Person in Existence”

Warning: contains spoilers for Phoenix #5The iconic Omega-level mutant and X-Men hero Jean Grey has a brand-new family… and they control the entire Marvel Universe. Phoenix #5 sees the abstract entity known as Eternity welcoming Jean into Marvel’s cosmic pantheon, alongside other beings like Eon, the Living Tribunal, and Uatu the Watcher. Jean’s latest evolution makes her the “most powerful person in the universe,” with the Phoenix finally ascending beyond godhood, becoming an essential force of nature within the cosmos.

Jean Grey has had quite the year, resurrected with the full power of the Phoenix Force after her death at the final Hellfire Gala, before heading into space to fulfill her cosmic destiny and bring peace to the galaxy.

Phoenix #5, from writer Stephanie Phillips and new series artist Marco Renna, sees Jean Grey once again resurrecting herself after Gorr the God Butcher killed her, but not before she was welcomed into Marvel’s cosmic order by the personification of the Marvel Universe known as Entity, canonizing Jean’s status as “the most powerful person in the universe.”

The Cosmic Order Of The Marvel Universe Has Shifted

Jean Grey has ascended beyond Godhood

Jean Grey’s connection to the Phoenix Force was resolved – after decades of confusion – in X-Men: Forever, confirming that Jean Grey is the Phoenix, and the Phoenix is Jean Grey. Still, for many years, the Phoenix Force existed as a distinct entity, not directly attached to Jean at all times. During that time, the Phoenix Force was considered an abstract entity essential to the universe, holding the essence of destruction, creation, and rebirth within. Ever since Jean and the Phoenix fully merged, Jean has struggled to fully let go of her “human” half, which has limited her power as Phoenix. Thankfully, Eternity’s intervention has given Jean Grey everything she needs to fully embrace her destiny as a cosmic being.

“And the Phoenix does not exist alone. There is a piece of you in every star. Every planet. Every being.
You are creation.

When Phoenix expresses to Eternity that she worries fully embracing her new powers will erase Jean Grey, Eternity reassures her that “Jean Grey is an idea,” and an idea can never be truly lost. Of course, Jean is also worried about losing control of her powers and becoming the Dark Phoenix again, but Eternity simply tells her that she can control it, and she believes him. Now, Jean Grey sits among celestial siblings in Marvel’s pantheon of cosmic beings, on the same level as Eternity, Oblivion, Eon, the Living Tribunal, the Fulcrum, Death, Infinity, Entropy, The One Above All, In-Betweener, Uatu the Watcher, and the Celestials. She has transcended godhood, telling Gorr that he was wrong and she is not a god, because “A god has limits…” This is an incredibly major piece of lore development for Jean Grey, and it begs the question, “Even if Jean Grey is not lost, how can she ever return to the X-Men again?”


After 17 Years, X-Men Officially Solves Its Biggest Modern Mystery

Kieron Gillen’s love letter to the Phoenix, X-Men: Forever #4, finally reveals that Hope Summers is the progeny of Jean Grey, the true mutant messiah.

Jean Grey May Be Getting A New Phoenix Costume

Her new look highlights her cosmic connection

Phoenix Cover Jean Grey new costume

Jean Grey is now an essential thread in the fabric of the Marvel Universe, and to celebrate this achievement, Phoenix deserves a bold new look. Felipe Massafera’s “New Look” variant cover for Phoenix #9 reveals a truly stunning cosmic redesign for the epic Jean Grey, engulfing Jean’s iconic red hair in a whirlwind of fire. To highlight Phoenix’s newest cosmic status, her costume features the night sky, truly making Eternity’s quote, “There is a piece of you in every star,” come to life. Marvel heroes are known for wearing fabulous new costumes for sometimes only a single issue, or single arc, so there is no saying how long Jean Grey will rock this iconic cosmic masterpiece.


X-Men Debuts Jean Grey’s New Costume As She Finally Accepts the Power of the Phoenix

A breathtaking “Foreshadow” cover for FoHoX #4 reveals a stunning new Phoenix suit for Jean Grey, teasing her full fusion with the Phoenix Force.

Jean Grey Must Give In To Her Full Power To Defeat Thanos

The Mad Titan is partnering with the Galactic Council to take down Phoenix

x-men's jean grey attacks thanos

Jean Grey is now more powerful than ever, officially making her the Galactic Council’s newest target. Even though Jean clearly has her Phoenix abilities under control, the Phoenix Force has traumatized the galaxy, making the leaders of the Galactic Council more willing to listen to Gladiator’s concerns about Jean. The Council is now determined to exterminate the “threat” of the Phoenix, and to do so they have partnered with the Dark God Perrikus, who asks Thanos the Mad Titan to kill Jean Grey. Thanos is one of the Marvel Universe’s most powerful characters in history, truly just one step below Jean’s new cosmic family, and it will take every bit of power that Jean Grey has to defeat the Mad Titan.


X-Men’s Most Powerful Hero Finally Takes on Thanos, Making History by Proving He CAN Be Beaten Solo

Thanos hasn’t spent much time fighting the X-Men, but now he’s going up against the one mutant hero who could actually take him down solo.

The X-Men’s Jean Grey is the Phoenix, and the Phoenix is Jean Grey, and since the Phoenix Force was known as the manifestation of life and creation, now so too is Jean Grey. For the first time in history, Eternity and his fellow abstract entities are welcoming a “mortal” human into their ranks, making Jean Grey the most powerful person in the Marvel Universe, with very little competition.

Phoenix #5 from Marvel Comics is available now in stores.

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