Star Wars Finally Confirms The Purpose of Luke Skywalker’s Last Jedi Compass (And Actually Shows How He Found It)

Star Wars Finally Confirms The Purpose of Luke Skywalker’s Last Jedi Compass (And Actually Shows How He Found It)


The missing years of Luke Skywalker’s life left fans with many questions after Star Wars: The Last Jedi, not the least of which being the nature and purposes of his Jedi star compass, While only glimpsed in the film, and given a brief description in the film’s Visual Dictionary, new Star Wars stories have since demystified the strange wayfinder… and how Luke used it to create his doomed Jedi Order.

After making its vague debut in Star Wars: Battlefront II, the star compass made its debut in movie canon among Luke’s possessions in his home on Ahch-To, but was strangely also seen on a table next to Ben Solo In the same movie. Now, the object’s reappearance in Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #2 hints at the purpose it served for Luke, and also how it may play a more pviotal role in his journey than inititally thought.

The Jedi Star Compass is Luke’s Second Chance For The Jedi Order

Insurgency Rising #2 by creative team Alex Segura, Leonard Kirk, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Joe Caramagna

Luke Defends The Jedi Star Compass in Insurgency Rising Comic

In Insurgency Rising #2the Acolytes of the Beyond, a group of Sith worshippers are keeping tabs on Luke Skywalker’s location, and the “Jedi relic” he is after. When he finally arrives on Pillio, Luke is attacked by the Acolytes, and it is here where he divulges some intriguing new details. For starters, Luke explains that he was “called to” by the star compass from across the galaxy, all the way from the planete Endor.


Rey Skywalker’s New Jedi Order Should Be Inspired By One Unforgettable Five-Year-Old Story

Rey’s New Jedi Order is no doubt going to be quite different from the old one, and it should focus on this one key story for inspiration.

When the star compass is referred to by the Acolytes as “a relic of a long-dead order,”Luke’s response that the device is “not exactly” a relic can be taken multiple ways. The simplest explanation is that Luke is challenging only the idea of the Jedi Order being long dead, revealing his intentions to use the star compass to found a new Jedi Temple, or temples on the foundations of the original. But there could be even more at play.

Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Star Compass Could Have Dark Secrets

Luke Skywalker holding a Jedi Star Compass

As established in canon, Luke and Lor San Tekka used the compass to map out a network of planets with forgotten Jedi Temples, and connections to the force. But with the compass already confirmed to have been present with Ben Solo prior to his fall, and remained with Luke in his exile, something darker can be theorized. Even though the compass helped Luke build his new order, it could have also helped with its destruction.

After all, the Acolytes of the Beyond worshiped the Sith and collected artifacts infused with the presence of the dark side of the force. These objects that were once wielded by dark side users were able to influence those that came in contact with them, so even if the compass was a Jedi relic, it sat in Emperor Palpatine’s collection for a long time. Is it outrageous to suppose it could have been infused with the dark side? With the star compass now central in a Star Wars series, the door for more insights and storytelling along this grim path has been opened.

Follow Luke Skywalker’s journey after Return of the Jedi in The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #2, available now from Marvel Comics.


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