Sorry, Batman But Your True Identity Is Way Easier to Spot Than Superman’s Own

Sorry, Batman But Your True Identity Is Way Easier to Spot Than Superman’s Own


Warning: Spoilers for Jenny Sparks #5

Most superheroes in the DC Universe use disguises to keep their civilian lives separate from their heroics, and Batman is no exception. However, some are better than others at keeping their true nature hidden, with Superman in particular having the best disguise of all. One hero’s quick exposure of Batman’s true identity proves how much more obvious his disguise is than Superman’s.

In Jenny Sparks #5 by Tom King, Jeff Spokes, and Clayton Cowles, the titular hero sleeps at a bar as a man nearby drunkenly discusses politics with a mysterious figure. As Jenny wakes up to light a cigarette, the man offers her a match and introduces himself as Matches Malone. However, Jenny immediately sees through his disguise and refers to him by his proper title: Batman.

While Jenny Sparks is quick to slap down Batman, she apparently fails to notice that Superman is seated beside her as Clark Kent. Superman’s disguise succeeding where Batman’s fails demonstrates that he is far better at concealing his identity.

Batman’s “Matches Malone” Disguise Fails to Hide His True Nature

Bruce Wayne’s Criminal Alter Ego Doesn’t Fool Anyone For 1 Critical Reason

Batman and Matches Malone

Matches Malone is a criminal alias that Batman has used for decades when he needs to go undercover among the darker circles in Gotham. For all of Batman’s strengths as a detective and as a superhero, the one skill he can’t seem to master is maintaining his identity while undercover, and it’s all thanks to one massive flaw. When “Matches” addresses Jenny, his voice immediately gives away that he’s Batman. Batman’s voice is iconic, so it makes sense that someone who’s heard it plenty of times before would be able to deduce its actual source in a matter of seconds.

Batman debuted his “Matches Malone” alter ego in 1972’s
#242 by Dennis O’Neil and Irv Novick.

Jenny isn’t the first character to unravel Batman’s “Matches Malone” identity. During Batman’s team-up with Sue Dibny, Elongated Man also recognizes him upon hearing his voice. Evidently, those who have grown accustomed to hearing his voice aren’t easily fooled by the Dark Knight’s attempt at a gangster persona. Justice League heroes aren’t alone in exposing Matches, either; in Batman #108 by James Tynion IV and Jorge Jiménez, Batman employs his disguise to infiltrate The Unsanity Collective and monitor their sinister activities on the inside, only for one of its members to see right through his ridiculous Matches Malone persona.

Superman Officially Has a Better Secret Identity Than Batman

Clark Kent Is a Much More Effective Disguise Than Matches Malone

Comic book art: Superman holding Clark Kent's glasses.

Batman may struggle to keep up his Matches Malone persona, but Superman has no such problems when it comes to posing as Clark Kent. The key is in how believable the disguise is to the average onlooker. Matches Malone is a deeply unrealistic character to portray, especially with the fake mustache Bruce insists on wearing. Superman’s Clark Kent disguise, on the other hand, is much more realistic and thus believable as an ordinary man. Anyone would have reason to question Matches’ hidden agenda upon meeting him, whereas no one would look twice at mild-mannered Clark to suspect he’s hiding something.


Top 10 Reasons Superman Could Never Replace Batman as Gotham’s Main Hero

The World’s Finest are irreplaceable, even to each other. Batman couldn’t be Superman in Metropolis, and the Man of Steel would be useless in Gotham.

Ultimately, each disguise’s effectiveness comes down to how much time Superman and Batman spend embodying them. Batman reserves Matches Malone for missions, so he doesn’t live in his disguise the way Superman does with his. Clark Kent is who Superman is whenever he isn’t actively Superman, and though his disguise is often criticized due to how flimsy it appears, it continues to work because of how much practice he’s had with it. A pair of glasses, hunched shoulders, and a bumbling personality are all it takes for Superman to hide his true self, which is a talent that Batman hasn’t mastered with Matches Malone.

Batman’s Main Civilian Persona Gets Recognized More Than Superman’s

Matches Malone Isn’t the Only Batman Alter Ego That’s Been Exposed

Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent shake hands, with the emblems of Batman and Superman in the background.

Of course, Matches Malone isn’t to Batman what Clark Kent is to Superman. As every DC fan knows, Batman’s true civilian identity is Bruce Wayne, a billionaire who hides his vigilante tendencies behind a playboy persona. However, despite Bruce’s best efforts, he’s had more slip-ups than Superman. Even the Joker knows that Batman is secretly Bruce Wayne, and it’s hard not to figure out how; Bruce has the wealth to pull off being Batman, and the children he adopts bear a clear resemblance to the Bat-family. Try as Batman might, he just can’t navigate his double life as well as Superman.

Jenny Sparks #5 is available December 18th, 2024 from DC Comics.

Batman Stands in Detective Comic Art by Jason Fabok


One of DC’s most iconic heroes, Batman is the vigilante superhero persona of billionaire Bruce Wayne. Forged by tragedy with the death of his parents, Bruce dedicated his life to becoming the world’s leading martial artist, detective, and tactician. Recruiting an entire family of allies and sidekicks, Bruce wages war on evil as the dark knight of his hometown, Gotham City.

Superman Deflecting Bullets in Comic Art by Jorge Jimenez


The icon who launched the entire world of superheroes, the last son of Krypton escaped his dying world to crash land on Earth and be raised as Clark Kent. The world knows him better as Superman, the Man of Steel, the leader of the Justice League, and the most well-known hero in the DC Comics Universe. Blessed with the powers of a demigod, Kal-El of Krypton fights enemies both small and cosmic in his endless pursuit of truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.


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