The much-awaited series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew recently premiered. It focuses on the adventures of a group of kids attempting to get out of the Star Wars galaxy. The first two episodes proved to be an engaging experience, keeping the fans on the edge of their seats. However, in a shocking turn of events, the third episode did not drop on December 9. So, why did the Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episode 3 not air on Monday?
Here is everything you need to know about the latest chaos surrounding the science-fiction fantasy series.
Why There Was No Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Episode 3 on Monday?
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew’s new episode or episode 3 did not air on Monday due to a change in the schedule.
The kids’ fantasy series premiered with its first two episodes on Monday, December 2, 2024. Originally, the show was scheduled to premiere on Tuesday, but the creators decided to move the release up by one day to take advantage of the extended Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. Now, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew has chosen to go back to its original schedule of releasing new episodes on Tuesdays.
Henceforth, there will be no episodes on Monday and fans need to wait one day more to catch the new episodes. The timeslots will remain the same that is 9.00 pm Eastern Time and 6:00 pm Pacific Time Zone. As a result, episode 3 of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew will be out on December 10, 2024.The subsequent episodes will drop on December 17, December 24, December 31, and January 7 with the finale airing on January 14, 2025.
It is not the first time the streaming platform has chosen a Tuesday shift for its shows. Earlier, Disney Plus’s weekly shows like Star Wars: The Acolyte, Ahsoka, and Percy Jackson dropped on Tuesday evenings as well.
The upcoming episodes of Skeleton Crew will be laced with numerous twists and turns. Fans will witness the kids facing new trouble following their escape from the pirates along with the eccentric Jod.