The latest update for the GO Battle League in Pokémon GO will occur this week, bringing the Great League and Jungle Cup: Little Edition back into the game as part of the Dual Destiny season. Currently, the cups available change weekly to keep the GO Battle League fresh during the season.
While the Great League has been featured previously, it is the first appearance in Dual Destiny for the Jungle Cup: Little Edition, which has more restrictions than other events. The two events are set to be available from January 28 at 11 pm until February 4 at 1 pm. You will receive rewards for each victory in the GO Battle League, but each one also helps you improve your level in the mode, increasing the rewards you can earn from every five matches.
Best Pokémon Team For The Great League and Jungle Cup: Little Edition
Picking The Best Line Up For Victory
The Great League event works like great league battles have been since they were first introduced to Pokémon GO. The only restriction is that Pokémon need to be below 1,500 CP to enter. Clodsire has become a key meta Pokémon for the great league with the unique Poison- and Ground- Dual type. Morpeko is by far the best Electric-type and can take down any Water-types with an advantage over Clodsire. It is also very quick, with fast attacks making it a great lead Pokémon to remove opposition shields.
Another high-ranking Pokémon you can use to round out this bulky team is Feraligatr, who can also be part of the best Ultra League lineups. It had always been a solid Pokémon for battles, but since it has been able to learn Shadow Claw, it has come into its own.

Which Pokemon Are Still Missing From Pokémon GO In 2025
While over 800 Pokémon are now available in Pokémon GO there are still over 100 missing from the game nearly ten years after its release.
In comparison, the Jungle Cup: Little Edition comes with two restrictions for the Pokémon. This makes picking a good lineup harder than the recent Color Cup in Pokémon GO. Firstly, Pokémon need to be under 500 CP, which heavily restricts who you can choose from. You are also limited to certain Pokémon types, with only Normal-, Grass-, Electric-, Poison-, Ground-, Flying-, Bug-, and Dark-type Pokémon eligible. In addition, Gligar and Glanarian Stunfisk are not allowed.
According to PvPoke’s rankings, Gen 2 Pokémon Steelix, in its shadow form, is the best overall option available. The dual Steel- and Ground- type is a fantastic lead Pokémon having one of the best attack stats available for the cup. Combining this with its bulkiness and resistance to ten different types of attacks makes Steelix a great option.
You can use dual-type Pokémon in the Jungle Cup: Little Edition, as long as one of their types is included in those that are eligible.
To go alongside Steelix, Cottonee is an excellent addition as a powerful Grass- and Fairy type. Its fast attack of Charm can quickly eliminate shields if you need to switch it in while providing key victories over Water- and Ground-type attacks, which Steelix is weak against. For the final spot in this team, a Water-type is necessary, with the first two options both being weak to Fire-type attacks. With the limitations of who you can select, Greninja is a great pick that can be set up with both Water- and Dark-type attacks.
Best Alternate Teams To Use
Plenty Of Other Options
Thankfully, for the Great League, there are a host of great options for different teams you can use. Fighting-type Primeape has moved into the meta across several cups in Pokémon GO, and its powerful attack makes it a strong Great League Pokémon. Dark- and Flying-type Mandibuzz is currently the third-highest-ranked Great League Pokémon due to its high defense and stamina stats. Azumarill works perfectly to fill the line-up with resistances to the majority of meta Pokémon as well as being another bulky option.

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Despite the lack of Pokémon in the Jungle Cup: Little Edition, you can still use many different line-ups. After Steelix, the highest ranked Pokémon is ShadowSkorupi. The Poison- and Bug- type is one of the best all-around Pokémon with quick, fast, and charged attacks, allowing it to do immense damage early in matches.
Gen One Wigglytuff is a great player in several cups and excels here. Like Steelix, it can take a lot of damage and only has a few weaknesses, making it great for slowing the opposition down. Ice- and Ground-type Swinub can round out the team, covering several of the first two Pokémon’s weaknesses. The Great League and Jungle Cup: Little Edition brings two interesting formats to the GO Battle League in Pokémon GO, and you can win more matches by picking the best possible team.
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