Ocarina Of Time Needs A Remake, Even Though There Already Is One

Ocarina Of Time Needs A Remake, Even Though There Already Is One


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a classic, but it’s far from perfect. As time goes on, the game’s original Nintendo 64 release continues to show its age, with dated graphics and tedious controls that serve as major barriers to entry for new players. Ocarina of Time is deserving of a remake that rectifies these issues and uncovers the timeless masterpiece that lies underneath. The thing is, there is already one.

Ocarina of Time 3D seems to be the definitive version of the classic title. Its wealth of improvements and changes to the N64 version was acclaimed at the time, seemingly resolving the problem altogether. Yet, even now, there are still ways that Ocarina of Time can continue to be improved upon to make for an even better way to experience the most iconic title in the Zelda series. And, with the upcoming release of the Switch 2, there’s an opportunity to completely transform the Ocarina of Time experience in a way that the 3DS couldn’t accomplish.

Ocarina Of Time 3D Is Great But Limited

The 3DS Version Is Already Outdated

At first glance, it’s hard to see the need for another Ocarina of Time remake, since the 3DS version does everything right on paper. The remake makes all the correct improvements to the original, like updating the graphics, providing extra guidance, improving the once-frustrating Water Temple, and overhauling the inventory and item selection. That’s not even mentioning the many additions made to the 3DS version, including a Boss Battle mode, the return of the Master Quest from the GameCube re-release, and constant access to the map thanks to the dual screens.


One Seemingly Innocent Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Location Is Actually Terrifying

It might be a classic game that contains plenty of fond memories for players, but Ocarina of Time has a few elements that are darker than expected.

Yet, for all the improvements it makes to Ocarina of Time, the 3DS version has already become outdated due to the console’s limitations. There’s always the opportunity for improvements to the graphics and textures as newer consoles continuously add to what is possible with a game’s visuals. Moreover, the 3DS’s limitations mean that Hyrule remains divided into various subsections separated by transitions, preventing Ocarina of Time from being as immersive as it could be.

The dual-screen design and reliance on touch controls would also make it difficult to port the 3DS version to the Switch 2, and the original N64 game remains the version available on the Switch.

It’s also worth mentioning how some changes to the 3DS version actually hinder Ocarina of Time. The limited controls of the 3DS resulted in the remake having an over-reliance on the touch screen. Many items require the player to interact with the touch screen, which can feel incredibly awkward, often disrupting the flow of gameplay. While it’s a major improvement over the N64 version, the 3DS still limits the potential heights Ocarina of Time can reach, further justifying the need for yet another remake.

Ocarina of Time Deserves A Switch 2 Version

A Remake Would Be A Huge Boost For The New Console

Zelda: Why Ocarina of Time's Water Looks Worse on Switch

Ocarina of Time should be remade for the upcoming Switch 2 for a multitude of reasons, not least of which being the huge enhancements that come with more powerful hardware. This Zelda entry has arguably the most iconic iteration of Hyrule in the entire series, with a slew of memorable locations, from the Great Deku Tree to Gerudo Town. Such iconic locales with a major HD overhaul would breathe new life into this version of Hyrule, giving fans the same sense of wonder and amazement revisiting these areas as they would have received when the N64 version first released.


Why Zelda Ocarina Of Time Is Still One Of The Best Games Of All Time – Even After 26 Years

The classic Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released 26 years ago and it remains acclaimed as one of the best games of all time – and this is why.

A remake of such an iconic game would also be a huge benefit to the Switch 2. It would be a perfect opportunity for Nintendo to demonstrate the capabilities of the new console by revitalizing Ocarina of Time. Using the game as a showcase of the Switch 2’s power and performance could make a purchase far more appealing, as consumers have a tangible example of the game-changing experiences the console could offer simply by contrasting the Ocarina of Time remake with its original N64 release.

What Another Ocarina Of Time Remake Could look Like

The Classic Zelda Title Could Be Completely Transformed

Young Link with Navi from Ocarina of Time, with Fi from Skyward Sword in the background.
Custom image by Katarina Cimblajevic

Most importantly, a remake of Ocarina of Time on Switch 2 could take advantage of the new console to completely transform the original experience, making it more than a simple remaster. The huge changes and improvements Switch 2 could provide would allow Nintendo to emphasize the sense of freedom and immersion the original game conveyed, rather than simply replicating it.


Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Has A Missing Person Problem

Ocarina of Time doesn’t have an abundance of NPCs, but it seems to have the highest number of missing people in the series. So, what happened?

For example, the Switch 2 could remove the need for transitions and sectioning of Hyrule Kingdom, instead connecting all major areas to create an open, more tangible world that builds on the immersion that the original Ocarina of Time demonstrated with its jump to 3D. The game’s ambitious, high-stakes story could also be changed to make it the giant fantasy epic it was meant to be. The new capabilities of the Switch 2 could make the game’s cutscenes far more cinematic while increasing the scale to allow players to feel the impact that Ganondorf’s tyranny has on all of Hyrule.

Such major changes to a treasured classic like Ocarina of Time could come at the risk of tarnishing the reputation the game has accumulated in its 26-year history. Yet, if done correctly, the remake could finally perfect the experience of the Zelda series’ most iconic and groundbreaking entry. The capabilities of the Switch 2 give Nintendo a chance to make some huge expansions to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, once again stunning players old and new with a heightened sense of freedom, immersion, and ambition that made the original N64 release so beloved to begin with.


November 21, 1998



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