NBA Lakers’ Jaxson Hayes & Ex-Girlfriend Sofia Jamora’s 2021 Incident Explained

NBA Lakers’ Jaxson Hayes & Ex-Girlfriend Sofia Jamora’s 2021 Incident Explained


A problematic incident involving Los Angeles Lakers’ Jaxson Hayes and his ex-girlfriend Sofia Jamora has now resurfaced following the revelation of new evidence. The altercation originally occurred in 2021, which ultimately led to the LAPD arresting the up-and-coming basketball star. But, what actually happened between the former couple?

Here are all the available details regarding the three-year-old dispute between the Oklahoma-born center and his former partner.

Jaxson Hayes and Sofia Jamora’s 2021 incident explained as NBA reopens investigation

In July 2021, Jaxson Hayes and his then-girlfriend Sofia Jamora got involved in a heated discussion, which eventually turned into a physical scuffle. The pair were reportedly butting heads over their dogs.

According to the video footage recently uncovered by TMZ, Jaxson Hayes and his ex-partner are heard getting into an argument, prompting Sofia Jamora to say, “Stop. Let go of me.” In reply, the then New Orleans Pelicans power forward says, “What the f— is wrong with you.”

The couple then proceeds to exit their house when Jamora says, “I’m not going to let you hit me anymore. What the f— do I look like, a punching bag,” before threatening to notify the authorities. Jaxson Hayes angrily walks away from Sofia Jamora but turns around to spit on Sofia Jamora.

This led the LAPD to respond to a domestic disturbance call, where they ultimately apprehended the NBA player. In an official 2021 statement, the LAPD described Hayes’ uncooperative behavior, stating, “Officers utilized physical force to take Hayes down to the ground to overcome his resistance. Once on the ground, Hayes attempted to get up and continued resisting officers. Officers utilized two deployments of the taser, as well as body weight and physical force during the altercation.” (via People)

Due to the resurgence of this incident, the NBA has opted to launch an investigation into the matter. As reported by ESPN, the NBA recently released an official statement, conveying, “As a result of the media report and video posted this morning, we are reopening our investigation.”

Responding to the NBA’s statement regarding their client’s 2021 altercation with Sofia Jamora, a representative of Jaxson Hayes stated, “There has already been an extensive investigation that we cooperated with the league on, and as that investigation reopens, we will continue to do so.”

At the time of writing, Hayes has yet to receive an official suspension mandate from the NBA.


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