LEGO Fortnite Odyssey: How To Get Copper

LEGO Fortnite Odyssey: How To Get Copper

Finding out where to get Copper in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey can be a challenge for uninformed players. However, this specific metal can be found in one particular location in the game. If you want to make the most of it, however, you’ll need to learn how to convert it into another essential material.

Just like Granite Slabs in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, you can make Copper useful by turning it into Copper Bars. These are great for important upgrades to help level up your village. As soon as you utilize an important machine, you’ll be a metal master with all the Copper Bars you need.

Where To Find Copper In LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

Get Looking In Caves

In LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, Copper can only be found in caves in a Dry Valley Biome. This biome is the same place where you can easily get Blast Cores. You might not always be able to enter every cave you find on the map, since some are Star Wars Imperial bunkers that require code clearance. With enough trial and error exploring the map, you’ll eventually be able to find an open cave you can access.


LEGO Fortnite Odyssey: How To Get Mythic & Legendary Weapons

The best weapons in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey take a lot of time to make, but getting legendary and mythic weapons is worth all of the effort.

As you enter a cave, look out for the bronze/brown shimmering rocks sitting on the cave’s walls and/or ceilings. You may have to explore a bit among the cave’s other resources before finding any. With at least an uncommon-rarity Pickaxe, you should be able to break each Copper deposit with about seven-to-eight swings, getting around three units each.

If you’re playing in a Survival World in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, you’ll want Snow Berries, Snowberry Shakes, or a Cool-Headed Charm to protect yourself from the health-sapping heat inside these caves.

How To Get Copper Bars In LEGO Fortnite

You Need To Get Smelting

Building a Metal Smelter LEGO Fortnite Odyssey to craft Copper Bars

To turn your newly-acquired Copper into Copper Bars in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, you’ll need to build and use a Metal Smelter, which requires 35 Granite Slabs and three Blast Cores. In the same manner as you used a gem-based machine to craft Cut Amber, this metal-themed equivalent lets you desposit any amount of Copper into the Smelter and create however many bars you need, as long as you have enough of the material to cover the cost.

Using the Metal Smelter, you will need one unit of Copper and two of any type of wood for each Copper Bar. Wait around ten seconds for every bar to be made, press the prompt to interact with the smelter’s crafting menu again, and press the “Take” prompt to add any Copper Bars made into your inventory. Just remember to keep exploring your map in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey for an open cave you can enter, and you will soon have all the Copper you need for those important village upgrades.

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