Landman’s 10 Main Characters Ranked, Worst To Best

Landman’s 10 Main Characters Ranked, Worst To Best


WARNING: SPOILERS ahead for Landman season 1.

Some of the main characters in Landman season 1 make the new Taylor Sheridan series exceptional and highly entertaining, while others are frustrating and don’t necessarily serve a greater purpose. Landman is the seventh scripted original series created by Sheridan, whose breakout series Yellowstone has sparked a wealth of Western-themed projects on Paramount+ from the acclaimed writer and director. Billy Bob Thornton leads the cast of Landman alongside Jon Hamm, Ali Larter, Michelle Randolph, Jacob Lofland, and Kayla Wallace.

At the end of Landman season 1, Tommy barely escapes with his life while Jon Hamm’s Monty doesn’t make it out of the hospital alive. These two characters were at the center of most of the action throughout Landman’s first season, while Tommy’s family, consisting of Ali Larter’s Angela, Michelle Randolph’s Ainsley, and Jacob Lofland’s Cooper, all embarked on their individual journeys. Some characters are certainly more integral and likable than others but they all combine to make Landman one of the most compelling new drama series on television.



Colm Feore

Kayla Wallace's Rebecca looking angry and leaning on a meeting table next to Colm Feore's Nathan and Billy Bob Thornton's Tommy in Landman

Nathan, played by Colm Feore, has some funny moments in Landman season 1 but is mostly just a foil for the other more central characters. To his credit, Nathan is certainly the most normal and reasonable main character in Landman season 1 but that doesn’t necessarily make him the most entertaining. There’s nothing wrong with Nathan but if he wasn’t a part of the series in season 2, it wouldn’t matter all that much from an entertainment perspective.

Nathan’s most valuable quality is that he can be the voice of reason to Tommy and even Rebecca, both of whom are quite stubborn and steadfast in their decisions. Because of this, Nathan has hardly any real effect in Landman thus far. He’s sort of a tame, typical lawyer-type with strong values whose biggest problems are wrangling Tommy and avoiding staring at Ainsley. While this often makes for some funny scenes in the first half of Landman, they don’t do much for his character and his greater role in the series besides being Tommy’s soundboard.


Cooper Norris

Jacob Lofland

Cooper Norris (Jacob Lofland) looking hopeful in Landman season 1, episode 9

Cooper seems like a good kid with a lifetime of bad luck in Landman, some of which is the result of his poor decision-making. While his relationship with Ariana isn’t necessarily the best look considering her husband – his coworker – died just weeks beforehand, Cooper’s biggest offense is being entirely absent from his family’s lives throughout season 1. He had no idea that Tommy had been kidnapped and tortured by the cartel because he was more focused on his relationship with Ariana and starting his own oil business than showing up for his dad when he needed it most.

Things like these make Cooper come off as quite naive considering that his dad probably could have used his help, not just in the finale, but when things at M-Tex started going sideways at the end of the season. Cooper is clearly not spoiled like his sister, who he has virtually no relationship with whatsoever, but that doesn’t mean he had to leave home and stumble around finding his way just to prove to Tommy that he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. Cooper makes strides to stand on his own feet, striking his first land deal and filling in for Arian’s dead husband, but his distance from Tommy, his family, and the main action of Landman can cause some irritation.


Rebecca Falcone

Kayla Wallace

Rebecca Falcone (Kayla Wallace) looking angry while talking to Tommy in Landman season 1, episode 10

Rebecca has her moments in Landman where she can impressively flex on her opposition and prove that she is the smartest, or at least the most clever and intimidating, person in the room. She and Tommy started to build a rapport in the first half of the season, and even a hint at a romantic interest that quickly faded once Angela and Tommy got back together. Still, Rebecca brings a lot of aggression and intensity into situations that don’t always require it, especially considering that she and Tommy are playing for the same team.

It’s frustrating at times when Rebecca can’t seem to find a way to step back and take a breath, particularly towards the end of the season when Tommy has to give her a reality check on the oil business. It often seems Rebecca is hardwired to be frequently upset or disapproving regardless of the topic. While she’s good at what she does, Rebecca seems to be picking fights with everyone, even her M-Tex associates, and it gets old after a while. It reduces her to a caricature who is always angry and hardly ever reveals a human side.


Cami Miller

Demi Moore

Jon Hamm and Demi Moore chatting at dinner in Landman

Cami seems like a great person, mother, and wife, but she isn’t in the series enough to make a real impact. She comes around during the last few episodes of season 1 as Monty faces his health crisis. This is when she really starts to shine thanks to the excellent and grounded performance by Demi Moore. Cami trusts Tommy and has a calming presence that, much like Tommy, is rooted in respect and dignity. She loved Monty but could do nothing to stop him from destroying himself. She also proves in the Landman season 1 finale that she’s willing to take big risks for things she believes in, just like her husband. Hopefully, there will be more of Cami in season 2 but there’s not enough of her in season 1 to make a big impression.


Dale Bradley

James Jordan

James Jordan as Dale smiling and pointing a spoon in Landman

Dale is arguably the most naturally funny character in Landman season 1 but also quite flawed and predictable. He is loyal and smart in his field but not necessarily a go-getter, making him a solid supporting character who can offer up laughs for things such as getting angry about not having Pop-Tarts for breakfast. It wasn’t a great look for Dale that he chose to watch a sports game rather than go look for Tommy in the Landman season 1 finale, especially considering that he knew about the rising tensions with the cartel. Dale isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but that’s part of what makes him a likable and uncle-like valued character in Landman, lightening the tone and lifting Tommy’s spirits.


Ainsley Norris

Michelle Randolph

A character grinning in Landman episode 1

Ainsley has been somewhat problematic throughout Landman season 1 but that arguably makes her even more entertaining. Like her mother, Angela, she adds a lot of excitement and spontaneity that makes it hard to take her eyes off her, which is ultimately great for the series. Ainsley is a valuable character because of the simple fact that you don’t know what she’s going to do next. In this way, she adds a lot to the show, even if her attitude isn’t always where it should be.

Ainsley leveled out over the course of the season and her budding relationship with the quarterback Ryder adds a new element of intrigue to her character. It would be nice to see her make more of an effort to evolve in her interests, which are currently limited to boys, parties, shopping, tanning, and working out, with a little dose of “community service.” The missing link with Ainsley may be not having a normal sibling relationship with Cooper. Both of them should be past the teenage trope of hating each other and may need each other more than they realize or that they’re willing to admit.


Ariana Medina

Paulina Chavez

Ariana (Paulina Chávez) looking furious in Landman season 1, episode 8

It’s hard not to feel bad for Ariana in Landman season 1 while also having a lot of respect for her as a widow and single mom. She can mostly handle her own but is helpless in certain areas, as most people would be following a tragic event such as suddenly losing their spouse. Cooper swoops in to help carry the groceries and figure out the bills, which implies that Ariana couldn’t have figured it out herself.

The whole Ariana and Cooper relationship is messy and a bit odd, but perhaps the point is that they’re helping each other and don’t deserve to be judged. It will be interesting to see whether Ariana and Cooper will actually last since she really hasn’t had any time to breathe after her husband’s death. It’s easy to root for her whether Cooper’s in the picture or not.


Angela Norris

Ali Larter

Ali Larter as Angela leaning back in a chair in Landman

Angela is somehow the perfect balance between a dream girl and a living nightmare, making her one of the most exciting characters in Landman season 1. While she may be all over the place, this recipe works well in these types of Sheridan shows, as proven with Beth Dutton in Yellowstone. Beth and Angela are certainly cut from the same cloth and are naturally entertaining, even shocking at times with their bluntness and boldness.

Angela means well and appreciates the finer things, which makes her a bit inaccessible to some and a marvel to most. She and Tommy don’t always see eye to eye and their worlds often clash, which often makes for a funny juxtaposition. Angela will act like dinner is the most important thing in the world while Tommy has to deal with exploding rigs and cartel members. It’s easy to be irritated by Angela for not understanding the burdens of Tommy’s profession. Still, it’s so much better for the series that she’s a loud and proud wildcard rather than a bland yet supportive wife.


Monty Miller

Jon Hamm

Watching Jon Hamm and Billy Bob Thornton talk business and wrangle an endless scroll of problems was one of the greatest joys of watching Landman season 1. While Monty had some issues, particularly medical ones that resulted in his death from heart failure, he knew the oil business and was unafraid to take big risks even after seemingly having it all and already coming out on top. As fans of Mad Men already know, Hamm is simply outstanding and plays the “businessman boss in an expensive suit” so well.

Monty is commanding, ruthless, and equally admirable and flawed. Hamm’s screen presence makes him enthralling to watch and his absence in Landman season 2 will be immensely felt. The series does a convincing job of making the audience feel that whenever Monty speaks, you better listen. It would have been great to see Monty try to adjust in Landman season 2 to life as a retired family man, as Jerry Jones suggests in his episode 9 cameo. Unfortunately, audiences won’t get the chance to see what Monty could have become. His death is a cold reminder of the stresses of his and Tommy’s industry, exemplifying the line, “Men die, oil companies don’t.”


Tommy Norris

Billy Bob Thronton

There is no Landman without Billy Bob Thornton as Tommy Norris. Tommy is effortlessly cool, calm, and collected, often irrationally so, as he figures out how to handle the dozens of new problems he faces on a daily basis. Tommy’s also quite brave and heroic, using his expertise in the oil business as his primary weapon and employing the leverage of America’s vested interests and prized possessions to his advantage. The business certainly takes a toll on Tommy but he has enough wisdom and strategy to come out on top, even if he has to get bailed out by a high-ranking cartel member.

The best part about Tommy is his exceptional dialogue, which is often wry, relatable, and to the point. Sheridan has written him so well that he has quickly become one of the best characters in any of his films or television series. It’s easy to root for a guy who takes no bull, shoots straight from the hip, and is an absolute professional in his field. Even better, he does it all in a cowboy hat, making him the perfect man for the job. All this makes Tommy the beating heart at the core of Landman and easily the best character in the series.


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