Final Jeopardy Today January 8, 2025 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Final Jeopardy Today January 8, 2025 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner


Here you’ll find the Final Jeopardy clue for Wednesday, January 8, 2025. It’s the third day in the second week of the 2025 Jeopardy Second Chance Tournament. Drew Coins and Enzo Cunanan, who won yesterday’s match, are already finalists for the week, and one more from tonight’s episode will join them. Will it be day trader Ferdinand Percentie from Florida, finance manager Sam Cameron from North Dakota, or writer Lindsay Denninger from New York? Here are the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 1/8/2025, along with the wagers and the winner of the game.

Final Jeopardy Today January 8, 2025 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Final Jeopardy Question for January 8

The Final Jeopardy question for January 8, 2025 is in the category of “American History” and has the following clue:

The last claim awarded under this act was in 1988, 126 years after it passed, for a parcel of land in Alaska

As usual, the correct response to this clue has been placed at the end of this guide.

Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for January 8

Sam Cameron was victorious in the January 8 Jeopardy match. He almost had a runaway lead heading into Final Jeopardy and was able to seal the deal after a correct response and a safe bet.

After correctly answering two Daily Doubles in the second round, Sam had $19,400 heading into Final Jeopardy. He earned an additional $1,001 with his wager and finished in the first place with $20,401.

Ferdinand came close with $19,401 total. He had $10,200 and earned an extra $9,201 with a right answer as well.

Lindsay could not come up with a response, losing a wagered $4,001. Her total dropped from $6,200 to $2,199 for third place.

Final Jeopardy Answer for January 8

The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on January 8, 2025 is “What is the Homestead Act?”

Passed during the Civil War in May 1862, the Homestead Act was responsible for the rapid settlement of the western United States. It allowed citizens who had not borne arms against the US government to claim up to 160 acres of land, so long as they lived on and improved the plot of land over five years.

While the Homestead Act was repealed in 1976, homesteading under the Act was still allowed to continue in Alaska until 1986. The last plot of land awarded under the Homestead Act was, as the clue indicates, in 1988. The owner, Kenneth Deardorff, had originally filed for the 80-acre plot in Alaska in 1974.


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