Final Jeopardy Today December 5, 2024 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner

Final Jeopardy Today December 5, 2024 – Question, Answer, Wages & Winner


The Final Jeopardy clue for Thursday, December 5, 2024 is difficult due to how vague it is. In Wednesday’s episode, manager Stevie Ruiz became a two-day Jeopardy champion after accumulating a large enough lead after the second round. While he didn’t bet anything with his correct Final Jeopardy yesterday, he still earned a fairly solid sum of $35,987 in overall winnings. Tonight he will compete against retired grant manager Dave Bond from New York and business support analyst Lisa DiLeo from New Jersey. Here are the question and answer for Final Jeopardy on 12/05/2024, including the wagers and the winner of the match.

Final Jeopardy Question for December 5

The Final Jeopardy question for December 5, 2024 is in the category of “Brand Names” and has the following clue:

They’ve been described as having the unique scent of “slightly earthy soap with pungent, leather-like clay undertones”

To prevent spoilers, the correct answer to this clue can be found it at the bottom of this guide.

Final Jeopardy Wagers and Winner for December 5

This time around, Dave became the new Jeopardy champion after earning a thin runaway lead by the second round. Unsurprisingly, no one was able to come up with the right answer to the Final Jeopardy clue.

Dave came into the segment with a strong total of $25,200, which was more than double than the totals of the other contestants. So despite losing $200 on his guess of “Birkenstocks,” he still managed to come away with an even $25,000.

Stevie had the right idea going with “Play-Doh,” though that was also incorrect. His total of $12,000 dropped by $4,799, placing him in second with $7,201.

Lisa sadly couldn’t come up with an answer, losing $400 and dropping from $2,400 to $2,000 for third place.

Final Jeopardy Answer for December 5

The correct answer for Final Jeopardy on December 5, 2024 is “What is Crayola?” or “What are crayons?”

It’s unusual that the quote in this clue doesn’t have an attribution, but it actually comes from Crayola’s trademark documents. It’s possible that some viewers read about the news this year in July about Crayola trademarking its brand name, where it describes its crayons as “slightly earthy soap with pungent, leather-like clay undertones.”

Per the Financial Post, Crayola’s chief executive Pete Ruggiero says that the brand has been trying to trademark its crayons by way of its scent since 2018. It was initially turned down in 2019, but the company won on appeal.


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