The Infinity Stones are by far some of the most powerful items in the Marvel Universe. They have the ability to rewrite reality and grant the user near unlimited power. As such, there have been plenty of attempts to hide these stones due to how dangerous they are, but they’re always found again. The stones have been scattered across the universe and held by Earth’s mightiest heroes, but no matter where they are, someone always finds them.
The Infinity Stones were originally part of the first being in existence, who is known as Nemesis. After her death, the stones were scattered across the universe and eventually found by the elders of the universe. The majority of the elders were unaware of the Infinity Stones’ true purpose or power, and it was Thanos who first tried to gather them in Avengers Annual #7 by Jim Starlin and Josef Rubinstein.
Despite his defeat, Thanos returned stronger than ever, and in Infinity Gauntlet #1 by Jim Starlin and George Pérez, Thanos attempted to gather the stones again into his Infinity Gauntlet. He succeeded in wiping out half of the universe’s population, but he was eventually defeated by the remaining heroes. After that, it was Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch who decided to next take ownership of the stones.
The Infinity Gauntlet Proved How Dangerous the Infinity Stones Really Are
Infinity Gauntlet #1 by Jim Starlin, George Pérez, Josef Rubinstein, Tom Christopher, Max Scheele, Ian Laughlin, and Jack Morelli
After Thanos tried to gather the Infinity Stones twice, it was clear that they were far too dangerous to just leave alone. Because of this, Adam Warlock formed the Infinity Watch to try and keep the stones safe, but of course, this mission didn’t last long either. While Adam Warlock had noble intentions, he eventually lost his mind due to his evil personality, Magus, taking over. Magus attempted to use the Infinity Stones for his own nefarious purposes before being defeated. After that, the stones were stolen again by the vampire Rune and were also used by Galactus.
The Infinity Stones appeared piecemeal throughout early Marvel history; the first Stone, the Soul Gem, first appeared in 1971’s
Marvel Premiere
#1 by Roy Thomas, Gil Kane, Dan Adkins, and Sam Rosen.
Seeing that Infinity Watch simply wasn’t capable of keeping the Infinity Stones safe, the heroes of Earth created a new secret society known as the Illuminati, which was made up of some of the most influential, intelligent, and powerful people on the planet, including the likes of Reed Richards, Namor, T’Challa, Charles Xavier, Tony Stark, and several others. Considering just how powerful and influential these characters were, they decided it was best for each of them to wield one Infinity Stone to make sure it was safe – but again, this plan wasn’t fool-proof.
Marvel’s Illuminati Group Couldn’t Even Hold onto the Infinity Stones
Avengers #12 by Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr, Klaus Janson, Dean White, and Cory Petit
Despite their best attempts at keeping the gems to themselves, the Infinity Stones still end up being stolen by a thief known as the Hood. It wasn’t easy and took a lot of effort, but the Hood very nearly gained unlimited power by stealing the Infinity Stones. Fortunately for everyone, the Avengers figured out what was happening and managed to corner the Hood and prevent him from using the stones before anything got out of hand. With how many times the Infinity Stones had been stolen or discovered, it seemed nearly impossible to keep them safe, which Adam Warlock seemed to agree with.

Thanos Leads the Avengers, Transforming the Infinity Stones’ Lore Forever
The new Death Stone changes everything, as Thanos leads the Avengers against a huge new threat, with major consequences for the Infinity Stones.
After the stones were stolen again by Gamorra, Adam Warlock decided enough was enough. Using his powers, Warlock granted the stones true sentience, fusing them with other people. This new plan allowed the stones to finally have true free will. They were no longer just objects to be taken and used; now they had actual goals and could choose for what purpose their powers would be used. This new sentience ultimately stopped them from being collected and used by people for nefarious purposes yet again.
Adam Warlock Gives the Infinity Stones Sentience, Changing Marvel Lore Forever
Infinity Wars #5 by Gerry Duggan, Mike Deodato Jr, Frank Martin Jr, and Cory Petit
The Infinity Stones are unbelievably powerful, and it seems like that power will always draw the attention of people with ill intent. No matter how the stones were hidden or where they were placed, someone always managed to track them down. Even though the Infinity Stones are actual people now with their own lives and goals, it’s likely that someone will once again try to capture them and use them for their own purposes. No matter what happens or what lengths people go through to hide them, the Infinity Stones will always be a major threat in the Marvel Universe.
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