Chosen One Prophecy, Fall To The Dark Side, & Redemption

Chosen One Prophecy, Fall To The Dark Side, & Redemption

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader is perhaps the single most influential character in Star Wars, and his complete timeline includes a series of pivotal events not only for his character but also for the entire galaxy. Anakin is both one of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi and one of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith, and he had a massive impact on the Star Wars timeline in both those roles (for better or worse). He also continues to be a key character, even following the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Anakin / Vader has also returned to Star Wars movies and TV shows rather recently, both with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka. Given his continued importance in Star Wars and his extensive history, it can be difficult to keep track of all his significant events. Here is every major moment in Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader’s Star Wars timeline in chronological order, from his role as the Chosen One to his redemption in the original trilogy and beyond.

The Chosen One Prophecy Explained

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

The notion that Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen was introduced in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, in which Qui-Gon Jinn references the Chosen One prophecy when he presents young Anakin to the Jedi Council. Despite that revelation coming 25 years ago, little is known about this prophecy even now. In The Phantom Menace, the Jedi discuss how the Chosen One is meant to bring balance to the Force and destroy the Sith. More recent additions to Star Wars have revealed that the Jedi may have taken some liberties with this definition.

In Claudia Gray’s novel Star Wars: Master & Apprentice, the language of the Chosen One prophecy is revealed for the first time. The book states:

“A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.”

While it’s accurate that the Chosen One is meant to bring balance, the prophecy didn’t mention specifically destroying the Sith. It seems the Jedi interpreted ‘balance’ to mean the end of the Sith, which is a bit telling on their part. There has also been ample debate over the years about whether it was truly Anakin or his son Luke Skywalker who brought balance and fulfilled the prophecy, although Star Wars has been clear that Anakin was indeed the Chosen One.

Purchase Star Wars: Master & Apprentice on Amazon.

The notion of balance seems to stem from the ancient Jedi, who saw true balance not as the destruction of darkness but rather keeping darkness and light in check—akin to the Mortis Gods.

Anakin Skywalker Is Born Into Slavery – 41 BBY

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

As the prophecy predicted, Anakin was born of no father, something that was also revealed in The Phantom Menace. In addition to a virgin birth, Anakin was born into slavery, which had a massive impact on his development and, ultimately, his fate. Many believe Anakin was born on Tatooine, although Star Wars canon has revealed that Shmi moved to Tatooine when Anakin was very young, meaning he was born elsewhere.

Anakin’s upbringing as a slave on Tatooine informed the precarious path he would follow in life.

In any case, Anakin’s upbringing as a slave on Tatooine informed the precarious path he would follow in life. It’s clear throughout the prequels that Anakin was traumatized from his childhood, made clear in his aversion to sand—which, despite the memes, is a heavy, tragic revelation—and even in his outbursts about injustice. Anakin was raised in a cruel, unjust environment, and it made him all the more determined to make things right. Obviously, he took that in the wrong direction entirely, but this stemmed from his origins.

Qui-Gon Jinn Frees Anakin On Tatooine – 32 BBY

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

One of the most fateful events in Anakin’s life was Qui-Gon Jinn’s appearance on Tatooine, alongside Padmé, disguised as a handmaiden. Qui-Gon quickly recognized that Anakin was remarkably strong in the Force, and he became determined to get Anakin off Tatooine and to the Jedi Order, whatever it took. This ended up taking the form of manipulating Watto and using a Jedi sleight of hand trick to ensure Anakin winning the podrace would mean his freedom from slavery.

While Qui-Gon’s efforts were unquestionably well-intentioned, this entire operation ended up causing a ripple effect that wasn’t necessarily for the better. By taking Anakin off Tatooine, Qui-Gon was separating him from his mother and throwing him into a scary, unknown environment. The guilt and grief over leaving his mother enslaved on Tatooine also ate at Anakin, pushing him ever closer to the dark side. Qui-Gon had also just unwittingly brought one of the greatest threats to the galaxy to the heart of the Republic, priming him to become the Sith he would eventually turn into.

The Jedi Council Rejects Anakin From The Jedi Order – 32 BBY

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

In addition to Qui-Gon’s plan pulling Anakin away from his mother and leaving him feeling incredibly conflicted about that choice, the decision to bring Anakin before the Jedi Council led to a moment that would define the rest of Anakin’s life and the fate of the Jedi. Anakin was just 9 years old when he stood before the Council as they decided whether to accept him. While the Jedi felt they were being objective and adhering to the Jedi way, this, too, was a traumatic moment for Anakin.

In this situation, he was heavily scrutinized and even judged for his feelings about his mother, despite the fact that he’d never grown up with the Jedi code and had no reason to not have formed an attachment to his mother. When the Jedi then rejected him from the Temple, it solidified an unease and sense of exclusion with the Jedi that Anakin would never shrug off. From that moment forward, even after they reversed their decision, Anakin knew the Jedi hadn’t initially wanted him.

When the Jedi then rejected him from the Temple, it solidified an unease and sense of exclusion with the Jedi that Anakin would never shrug off.

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Death Leads To Obi-Wan Taking Anakin On As A Padawan – 32 BBY

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

What makes Qui-Gon’s plan to simply insist Anakin be trained as a Jedi all the worse is his death at the end of The Phantom Menace. Of course, Qui-Gon can’t be blamed for his own death, but this event left Anakin completely unmoored. Qui-Gon had become a father figure to Anakin, and when he died, it meant Anakin had lost both a mother and, effectively, a father in a very short period.

Anakin was also left uncertain about what his future would hold, as the Jedi had already rejected him from the Order. He expresses this very concern about his future to Obi-Wan Kenobi at Qui-Gon’s funeral. Of course, Obi-Wan went on to become Anakin’s Jedi Master, but that also had implications for Anakin. There was always a tension between the two of them, even if they grew to love one another as brothers, because initially, Obi-Wan hadn’t wanted Anakin in the same way the Jedi hadn’t.

An Assassination Attempt On Padmé’s Life Reunites Anakin And Padmé – 22 BBY

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Anakin’s relationship with Padmé is one of the most important aspects of his character, and although he loved her from the moment he saw her in The Phantom Menace, their relationship didn’t really develop until Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. At the beginning of Attack of the Clones, Padmé nearly dies from an assassination attempt that instead claims the life of one of her decoys, Cordé. Because her life is in danger, the Jedi intervene, sending none other than Obi-Wan and Anakin to investigate.

Anakin’s feelings for Padmé are on display immediately in Attack of the Clones, with him even confessing his anxiousness over seeing Padmé again to his Jedi Master, despite the fact that those feelings directly defy the Jedi code. This reunion with Padmé would ultimately spell disaster for both of them. It was only because the two reconnected at this point in the Star Wars timeline that they fell in love and ended up marrying one another—an attachment that would see the end of Padmé’s life and Anakin’s Jedi path.

Anakin Travels With Padmé To Naboo For Her Protection – 22 BBY

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

In one of the most bewildering decisions the Jedi make in the prequel trilogy, Anakin is sent to Padmé’s home planet Naboo to protect her following the attempt on her life. This would have been an odd choice either way, as Anakin was only a Padawan and this mission sent him off on his own, but it was especially bizarre given how openly Anakin was pining for Padmé. This served as the perfect storm when it came to Anakin and Padmé developing a full-blown relationship, which they ultimately did.

Shmi Skywalker’s Death Pushes Anakin Toward The Dark Side – 22 BBY

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

The first truly evil act Anakin carries out occurs in Attack of the Clones when Anakin returns to Tatooine to make sure his mother is alright, as he’s been having horrible nightmares that she is in danger. Instead of finding her safe and sound in their home, Anakin discovers that she was bought and freed by a man named Cliegg Lars but was ultimately abducted by the Tusken Raiders. When he tracks her down in the Tusken Raiders’ camp, it’s already too late, and she dies of her injuries in Anakin’s arms.

This sends Anakin into a violent frenzy, during which he famously kills the men, women, and children of the camp. Surprisingly, this somehow didn’t turn Anakin to the dark side of the Force, despite the evil he must have tapped into to carry out this heinous act. Nevertheless, this is one of the first true ‘Darth Vader moments’ Anakin has in Star Wars.

Anakin’s Duel With Count Dooku – 22 BBY

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

At the end of Attack of the Clones, Anakin comes face-to-face with the Sith Lord Count Dooku, who has taken Darth Maul’s place as Darth Sidious’ Sith apprentice. In spite of Anakin being a mere Padawan and Dooku being a Sith, Anakin engages in the battle without any sense of fear. This proves to be a bit foolish, as Count Dooku fairly easily takes down Obi-Wan and then cuts off Anakin’s hand.

In a sense, this was the first time Anakin truly lost.

This transition from bravado in taking on a Sith to losing his hand was pivotal for Anakin. In a sense, this was the first time Anakin truly lost. Yes, his mother had died before he could save her, but in that case, he had simply been too late. He had grown used to being remarkably powerful and viewed through the lens of the Chosen One prophecy. This event saw Anakin come face-to-face with failure, no doubt sparking the insecurity that would lead to his desperation to prevent death and save those he loves—especially Padmé.

Anakin And Padmé Are Married – 22 BBY

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Attack of the Clones also saw Anakin and Padmé seal their fate by getting married. Initially, Padmé had resisted a romantic relationship with Anakin, insisting it would destroy them. That changed when she believed they were going to die on Geonosis, at which point she confessed her love for Anakin (which he clearly reciprocated). The two end up surviving this near-death experience, of course, but it was evidently too late to change their minds.

The marriage in particular was a problem for the couple, though. They’d already had clear feelings for one another, but their marriage was a much more substantial secret that they had to keep hidden. As Padmé had wisely predicted, but unwisely ignored, this deception destroyed them.

Anakin Skywalker Acquires A Padawan, Ahsoka Tano – 22 BBY

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie ended up surprising everyone by introducing Ahsoka Tano as Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan. Although the prequels hadn’t given any indication that Anakin had a Padawan, it was evidently George Lucas himself who wanted this update to Anakin’s character. Ahsoka has proven to be one of Star Wars’ best characters, although she was initially heavily resisted and criticized.


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Star Wars has a decades-long legacy, and with that comes a number of incredibly popular characters—these 15 are the very best in the whole franchise.

Ahsoka became so much more than a popular character, though. In the end, she had a major influence on Anakin and his trajectory in Star Wars. Most notably, Ahsoka represented yet another attachment Anakin had, and as he did with Padmé, he feared losing her and frequently bent the rules to guarantee her safety.

The Clone Wars Force Anakin Into A Military Role – 22-19 BBY

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The Clone Wars was a negative turn for the Jedi in general, but it was especially harmful to Anakin. The Jedi were meant to be peacekeepers in the galaxy, but when they entered the Clone Wars, they took on the role of soldiers. This meant Anakin engaging in aggressive behavior day in and day out, and it blurred the lines of what the Jedi were supposed to be. This inevitably also meant that Anakin began to doubt what the Jedi claimed they were, which Palpatine was quick to use to his advantage.

The Clone Wars was a negative turn for the Jedi in general, but it was especially harmful to Anakin.

Ahsoka Tano Leaves The Jedi Order — And Anakin – 19 BBY

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Anakin’s attachment to Ahsoka was already problematic enough, but when the Jedi kicked Ahsoka out of the Order when she was falsely accused of murder, Anakin began to truly doubt and even resent them. Ahsoka’s decision to leave the Order after her name was cleared only worsened Anakin’s sentiments about this entire unfortunate event. In addition to losing someone he loved, this departure reinforced two of Anakin’s biggest issues: a sense of inadequacy and a fear of abandonment.


Star Wars: How Ahsoka Conquered Anakin’s Biggest Weakness

Lucasfilm’s biography of the Skywalker family reveals Ahsoka Tano conquered the fears that plagued her master Anakin when she left the Jedi Order.

Ahsoka had done what Anakin could not. She saw the flaws of the Jedi, and she decided to leave. Even in The Clone Wars, Anakin admitted to Ahsoka that he too had thought about leaving the Order. This very likely would have been the best-case scenario for everyone at that point in time, but Anakin failed to do so because he couldn’t take that leap; he was too afraid.

Anakin Kills Count Dooku – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith was ultimately the point at which Anakin fell to the dark side, but before he completely became Darth Vader, he was already drawing closer to the dark. This became clear at the beginning of the movie, when Anakin yet again faced off against Count Dooku. This time, though, Anakin had his resentment over Dooku cutting off his hand and Palpatine directly in the room, egging him on. This combination led to Anakin killing Count Dooku even though he was already unarmed and defenseless.

Padmé Reveals That She Is Pregnant, Reigniting Anakin’s Fears – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

If Anakin’s secret marriage to Padmé wasn’t enough to send him running towards the dark side, the revelation that Padmé was pregnant certainly was. This news came at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith and would kick off the series of nightmares Anakin had about Padmé dying in childbirth. Because he had already had similar nightmares about his mother dying (that were proven to be premonitions and ultimately came true), he was more determined than ever to stop his dreams from becoming a reality.

This is precisely what pushed Anakin to embrace the dark side of the Force. Palpatine was able to use this very specific fear against Anakin, convincing him it was only the dark side of the Force that could save Padmé’s life. While that wasn’t solely to do with the pregnancy, it was the news that Padmé was pregnant that was a catalyst for these events.

Anakin Betrays The Jedi & Becomes Darth Vader – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

By the end of Revenge of the Sith, Anakin has fully transformed into Darth Vader, although the event that truly marked this shift was a surprising one. Rather than anything directly tied to Padmé, Obi-Wan, or Ahsoka, Anakin turns to the dark side because he witnesses Mace Windu about to kill Palpatine. In a split-second decision, Anakin decides that he needs Palpatine to save Padmé’s life and that he believes Palpatine when he says the Jedi have clearly become corrupt.

Anakin therefore cuts off Mace Windu’s hand, giving Palpatine the chance to hit Mace with Force lightning and send him flying out the window. Presumably because this would cement the Jedi Order never accepting him again and because he had already made the decision to align with Palpatine over the Jedi, Anakin fully embraced the dark side at this point. It was then that Palpatine christened Anakin Darth Vader.

Darth Vader Carries Out Order 66 – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Following Anakin becoming Darth Vader, he marches upon the Jedi Temple alongside the 501st clone troopers to carry out Order 66. This is certainly Darth Vader’s darkest act, and it’s also his first. As shown in Revenge of the Sith but in even greater detail in Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin helps to wipe out countless Jedi at the Temple, including numerous children during this horrible event.



Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Survived Order 66 (In Canon)

Clone Protocol Order 66 caused once-loyal Clone troopers in Star Wars to wipe out the Jedi, but a handful managed to survive this initial purge.

Darth Vader Confronts Obi-Wan & Padmé On Mustafar – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Vader’s encounter with Padmé and Obi-Wan on Mustafar is a truly defining moment in Revenge of the Sith. Not only is this where Vader chokes Padmé, more or less leading to her death, but it is also where Obi-Wan and Vader have their epic showdown. In the end, this is also how Vader ends up needing his iconic suit, as Obi-Wan leaves him for dead, dismembered and burning in lava.

Vader Puts On His Suit For The First Time – 19 BBY

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Darth Vader dons his suit for the very first time, which is an incredibly symbolic moment. Although Anakin had become Darth Vader from the moment he had agreed to be Palpatine’s Sith apprentice, this suit signified Anakin’s complete transformation into a Sith Lord. This was also when Vader learned that Padmé was dead, leaving him with nothing and no one other than the dark side and Palpatine.

This suit signified Anakin’s complete transformation into a Sith Lord.

Darth Vader Claims Mustafar As His Own World & Leads The Inquisitors – 19 BBY

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Interestingly, Vader chose the molten planet Mustafar as the base for his castle following the events of Revenge of the Sith. This seems particularly noteworthy given it was the last place he saw both Obi-Wan and Padmé. It is also at this point that Vader establishes his Imperial Inquisitors, a group of dark side Force-users who help the Empire to eradicate any lingering Jedi survivors and any newly discovered Force-sensitive beings, children included.

Charles Soule and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s Darth Vader run reveals why Mustafar was so important to Darth Vader; it is a vergence of the Force, a nexus of the dark side that can be tapped into by the Sith. Vader hoped to use Mustafar’s power to tear through the boundary between life and death, resurrecting his beloved Padmé. His fortress was constructed under the guidance of an ancient Sith spirit, Darth Momin, who had learned how to amplify the power of vergences. Naturally, Vader’s efforts were unsuccessful.

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