Bruce Wayne’s “I’m Batman” Catchphrase Is Updated with 2 Badass Words I NEED to Be in The Batman 2

Bruce Wayne’s “I’m Batman” Catchphrase Is Updated with 2 Badass Words I NEED to Be in The Batman 2



  • I’m Batman
    ” has lost its inherent badassery – it’s time for a new catchphrase.
  • The Bat-Man: First Knight
    #3 presents a new possible catchphrase for Bruce Wayne.
  • Jurgens’ writing, paired with art by Perkins & Spicer, creates an unforgettable Batman moment that I need to see in
    The Batman Part II.

WARNING: Contains Potential Spoilers for The Bat-Man: First Knight #3!Over the years, Bruce Wayne’s iconic “I’m Batman” has evolved from a badass one-liner into a meme, thanks to the age of GIFs and its humorous use in media like The LEGO Batman Movie and the TV series Supernatural. However, I’ve discovered the perfect new catchphrase for the Dark Knight in a recent comic release that needs to be featured in Matt Reeves’ The Batman Part II.

“I’m Batman” has become more gimmicky than a hard-hitting line, and has been so overused in Batman stories that it has virtually lost the inherent badassery it once had.

Dan Jurgens, Mike Perkins, and Mike Spicer’s The Bat-Man: First Knight #3 is one of my favorite Batman stories in recent years. The dialogue, storytelling, and art are on a whole other level, making this gritty 1930s retelling of Batman’s origin story unforgettable.

The Bat-Man First Knight #3 YOU!

Jurgens’ writing was phenomenal throughout the entire mini-series. However, two small words stood out above the rest for me, and when paired with the masterful artistry of Perkins and Spicer, I couldn’t help but think, “This needs to be Batman’s new catchphrase.” Those two badass words? “Yeah. Me.

I’m utterly obsessed with the idea of Robert Pattinson’s gravelly voice taking a stab at: ”
Yeah. Me.

“I’m Batman” Has Outlived Its Cool Factor: AKA It’s Time For The Dark Knight to Get a New Catchphrase

The Bat-Man First Knight #3 Yeah. Me.

The Bat-Man: First Knight’s finale witnessed the Dark Knight closing in on the series’ big bads. Like the eldritch horror he often embodies, Batman sneaks up on one of his prime suspects, prompting the startled man to shout, “You!” to which the Dark Knight coolly responds, “Yeah. Me.Accompanied by art that makes Bruce look otherworldly, this line instantly became one of my favorite Batman moments. Even though I have included the comic panels in this article, I know some die-hard fans won’t be convinced that “Yeah. Me” has outranked I’m Batman. But hear me out.

Even excluding the fact that “I’m Batman” has become more gimmicky than a hard-hitting line, and has been so overused in Batman stories that it has virtually lost the inherent badassery it once had, there is the simple fact that a line acknowledging one’s legendary status is infinitely cooler than making a self-introduction. In other words, Yeah. Me” is exceptionally powerful because Batman is responding to being recognized as a legend in the flesh. Conversely, “I’m Batman” is Bruce pointing out his legendary status to others, which isn’t nearly as cool.

The Batman Part II Is the PERFECT Time to Introduce “Yeah. Me.” As Batman’s New Catchphrase

The “Yeah. Me,” line was so perfectly delivered in the comic that it practically had me hearing Bruce Wayne’s signature growl utter those words, and now I’m utterly obsessed with the idea of Robert Pattinson’s gravelly voice taking a stab at them. Even though The Batman is set in modern times and The Bat-Man: First Knight is set in the 1930s, both portray Gotham and Batman in a similar light, which would make a comic-to-movie adaptation of the line seamless. Hence, there is no better opportunity to start moving the Dark Knight away from the overused, ‘I’m Batman,’ and into a new catchphrase era with The Batman Part II.

The Bat-Man: First Knight #3 is available now from DC Comics!


The Bat-Man First Knight #3 main cover

  • Writer: Dan Jurgens
  • Artist: Mike Perkins
  • Colorist: Mike Spicer
  • Letterer: Simon Bowland
  • Cover Artist: Mike Perkins

Batman Stands in Detective Comic Art by Jason Fabok


One of DC’s most iconic heroes, Batman is the vigilante superhero persona of billionaire Bruce Wayne. Forged by tragedy with the death of his parents, Bruce dedicated his life to becoming the world’s leading martial artist, detective, and tactician. Recruiting an entire family of allies and sidekicks, Bruce wages war on evil as the dark knight of his hometown, Gotham City.


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