The DC Universe has a lot of great stories in it, but Black Canary’s latest adventure finally gives the grand world a classic story in the vein of Rocky. Right now, Dinah Lance is in the fight of her life and one comic writer explains what it brings to the DCU.
Black Canary: Best of the Best writer Tom King spoke with Polygon about his miniseries and discussed the inspiration behind his story. King fondly discussed his fascination with fighting movies like Rocky and his work in crafting a story that captured the magic of his favorite films.
Tom King: I love the announcers. I wanted to make a comic in the tradition of these great fight movies like Rocky and Raging Bull, which is just a genre of films that I enjoy. I was like, How could a comic capture that? One of my favorite comics that I ever did, Marvel Two-In-One annual #7, which is [written by] Tom DeFalco and [drawn by] Ron Wilson, is all about the Thing fighting the Champion in a boxing match. I worship that comic. I wanted to see if I could do that, if I could extend it, if I could tell a story in just four corners of the ring that was as exciting and as big and as nuanced and as incredible as any epic event that DC or Marvel could put out. That was the challenge I wanted from the beginning. And with the way Ryan draws it, it feels that big. It feels that important.
King also revealed one of his favorite comics was Marvel Two-In-One Annual #7, which featured the Fantastic Four’s Thing in a boxing match, which inspired him to tell a similar story. King also credits artist Ryan Sook, whose art brings the energy to Black Canary: Best of the Best King was looking for.
Tom King is Bringing a Rocky Energy to the DC Universe
Black Canary is an Underdog in a Tale as Old as Time
Earlier this year, DC Comics announced Black Canary: Best of the Best by Tom King and Ryan Sook, a six-issue miniseries starring the iconic Birds of Prey member. Unlike most fights in her life, Dinah wasn’t fighting to save the day or to rescue anyone in danger. Here, she’s going up against the deadly Lady Shiva in a fight to entertain the masses. The two are competing in a sanctioned fight that’s being broadcast not just all over the world, but all over the DC Universe. And unfortunately for Black Canary, the odds are not in her favor.
Boxing movies, though not as common today, were once a fairly popular genre. But none of them were as beloved as Rocky, the film that focused on Sylvester Stallone’s titular character as he constantly fought against the doubts of naysayers on his personal journey. Tom King, of course, is used to underdog stories, as he’s written several dozen superhero tales. But it’s clear from his interview that he wants to tell a more grounded, relatable story like Rocky, which, given how Black Canary is presented in his story, is a really solid and inspired idea.
Black Canary Can Go the Distance Just Like Rocky
Winning Means Something Different for Her
Those who have read the first issue of Black Canary: Best of the Best know that Dinah isn’t doing this for the glory of beating Lady Shiva, just like how Rocky wasn’t boxing just to be able to beat Apollo Creed. It’s the idea of fighting for something more personal that ties these two stories together and honestly brings a refreshing change of pace to traditional superhero comics. Rocky has stood the test of time thanks to it’s extremely relatable message and, hopefully, by channeling some of the same energy, Black Canary’s new story will leave a mark on the DC Universe as well.
Black Canary Best of the Best #1 is on sale now from DC Comics.
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