‘Bad Sisters’ Season 2 Episode 6 Recap

‘Bad Sisters’ Season 2 Episode 6 Recap


Editor’s note: The below recap contains spoilers for Bad Sisters Season 2 Episode 6.

Last week’s episode of Bad Sisters featured a shocking twist that has led the Garveys right back to where they were in Season 1: trying to cover their tracks. After Angelica (Fiona Shaw) is hit by a sailboat boom and flung into the water in Episode 5, the sisters are frantically trying to hide their misdeeds. But this time, they’ve brought Ian (Owen McDonnell) in on their antics. As they try to throw the police off the scent, it’s not just Angelica’s influence that has threatened to create cracks in the Garveys’ sisterhood.

The ‘Bad Sisters’ Deal With the Fallout in Season 2 Episode 6

Eve Hewson, Eva Birthistle, and Sarah Greene recovering at home
Image via Apple TV+

Episode 6 picks up right after the fateful incident on the water. Eva (Sharon Horgan) watches as Bibi (Sarah Greene), Ursula (Eva Birthistle), and Becka (Eve Hewson) arrive at her home, all disheveled from their day at sea. The three of them are crying as they explain to Eva what happened on the boat. The scene then flashes to Angelica in a life jacket floating on the surface of the water. There is no close-up on her face, so we have no idea of her actual condition. This raises a huge question: could Angelica have actually survived the accident? Someone will discover her eventually, but will she be dead or alive at that point?

The sisters continue discussing what they should do (they squabble about whether to call the police or not). Eva reveals that she accidentally told Detective Inspector Fergal Loftus (Barry Ward) that she thought Angelica was blackmailing Grace (Anne-Marie Duff). Bibi huffs, “You’ve given us a motive for murdering that woman.” This revelation means that they truly can’t go to the police without looking like murderers. Becka insists, “We didn’t kill her,” but Eva retorts back, “Well, you didn’t NOT kill her.” Ian arrives at the house, and instead of keeping this secret between the sisters, they let him in on what happened to Angelica. He heads down to the marina to check things out and notices that there is blood on the boom and the deck (which leads him to reiterate what a bad idea it would be to go to the police). While the sisters give the boat a scrub-down, Ian convinces an elderly neighbor to give him access to her Ring camera (which has captured Angelica arriving at the marina). He copies the video onto a flash drive and deletes the evidence from the woman’s computer.

While the sisters are scrubbing, Bibi mentions being suspicious of something going on between Ian and Eva (she doesn’t even know about their kiss in Episode 5). At that moment, a phone starts ringing on the boat, and they discover it’s Angelica’s phone, left behind in her purse. Roger is calling her. Becka heads below deck to go to the bathroom, but when she comes back, she has a worried expression and tells Ursula that she’s bleeding.

Becka Is Forced To Make Some Big Decisions in ‘Bad Sisters’ Season 2 Episode 6

Eve Hewson standing with her arms crossed
Image via Apple TV+

At the hospital, Eva and Ursula sit with Becka as they wait for the doctor. The ultrasound technician can’t seem to find the baby’s image, which causes Becka to panic. She admits, “I didn’t want the baby anyway, so it’s no wonder that my body is…” She trails off when the doctor enters. The doctor does the ultrasound and finds the baby, saying that everything looks fine. Later in the episode, Becka spends time looking at the ultrasound picture; it seems as though she’s decided to follow through with the pregnancy after all. But things are as complicated as ever with Becka. Matt (Daryl McCormack) texts her that he wants to meet up and has something he wants to talk to her about. She texts back: “I’m pregnant. Still want to meet?” Those dreaded three dots appear and then disappear, leaving Becka on read.

Eva reminds Becka that she needs to tell Joe (Peter Claffey) about the pregnancy. Becka jokes that she knows she does because he’ll need to raise the child when she’s in jail. On top of thinking about the baby, Becka is clearly having a hard time coping with Angelica’s death, divulging to Eva, “The sound of the boom hitting her. I can’t stop hearing it.” As much as they hated Angelica, Becka says, “She didn’t deserve to die like that.”


Sharon Horgan on What It Would Take for ‘Bad Sisters’ Season 3 To Happen

“You have to tell the story that you think is the right way to tell for eight hours,” says Horgan, about living up to the success of the first season.

The Police Are Hot on the ‘Bad Sisters’ Trail in Season 2 Episode 6

Thaddea Graham on a phone call
Image via Apple TV+

While the sisters (and Ian) are hard at work covering up Angelica’s accident, Detective Una Houlihan (Thaddea Graham) is also hellbent on continuing to investigate all the crimes linked to the Garveys. First, she asks Roger (Michael Smiley) about Angelica; he mentions that she had a “run-in with Ian Reilly” and that he doesn’t know where his sister is. Loftus is dealing with his own mess. He sits outside his lawyer’s office, where he’ll need to cough up some cash in order to pursue getting custody of his daughter. He takes out the plastic bag he unearthed at Grace’s house. There is a ton of money inside (which raises the question of why Grace had so much cash hidden in her backyard). In that moment, Loftus gets a voicemail from Houlihan saying she’s going to the crash site. While she’s there, she sees a little memorial set up for Grace. There’s a note from Angelica that says, “I’m sorry.” Houlihan also looks at the tire tracks from the accident. No matter how Loftus tries to dissuade her, she insists that every crime linked to the Garveys is part of a bigger picture. “It’s all connected,” she asserts to Loftus.

Because Angelica is missing now, Houlihan heads to where her car is (which the police located via GPS). At the exact same moment, Bibi is in the parking lot with Angelica’s keys (which she found in the purse), trying to race to locate Angelica’s car and escape with it. In a heart-pumping dash, Bibi ends up accidentally getting in a stranger’s car and then hides behind another parked car before Houlihan can see her. It’s clear that Angelica’s car has been left there, which directly links Angelica to the marina (and her last-known whereabouts). This furthers Houlihan’s theory that the Garveys might be linked to Angelica’s disappearance as well.

Loftus Has Something to Hide in ‘Bad Sisters’ Season 2 Episode 6

Houlihan questions Ian because of Roger’s statement about him messing with Angelica. Ian insists that he merely told Angelica to quit “bothering the Garvey sisters. They’re my family. I asked her to stop.” But Houlihan starts to make Ian even more of a suspect by mentioning that they haven’t been able to confirm his alibi for the night that Grace got in her accident. When Houlihan starts to put the pieces together for Loftus, he loses his cool, saying, “Grace Reilly was on the run, simple as that.” But she keeps pushing, and asks where the money is now and where Angelica is.

Later in the episode, Loftus gets a text from the lawyer asking why he missed their appointment. But when Houlihan pushes to arrest Ian, Loftus states that the money has actually been found. He asserts again that Grace killed her first husband and crashed her car after “doing a runner.” Later on, we see Loftus putting the money in an evidence bag (giving up on his idea to use the money himself). However, Houlihan has figured out what he’s done, saying that he “tampered with evidence.” Clearly disappointed in her mentor, she says she’s going to turn him in, but he threatens her with a demotion if she speaks out. Even if Loftus didn’t decide to go through with actually using Grace’s money, he still clearly crossed a line by stealing it in the first place.

Ian and Eva Act on Their Feelings in ‘Bad Sisters’ Season 2 Episode 6Ian (Owen McDonnell) holds Eva (Sharon Horgan) in a scene from 'Bad Sisters' Season 2

Ian arrives at Eva’s house and tells her that the police have been questioning him. Eva talks about being so scared for everyone in her family, and Ian reminds her that he’s there for her. He says, “This is not all on you… I care about all of you, but in fairness, mainly you.” They start to talk about their kiss, when Roger shows up asking if they’ve seen Angelica. Ian is unusually harsh with him and Roger leaves. Later that night, Eva spends time searching the Internet for news of Angelica’s body being found (there’s nothing). She texts with Ian, who asks, “Will you be angry if I tell you I’m thinking of you?”

The next day, when the sisters meet at the 40 Foot (in order to act normal), Bibi questions Eva about Ian. Eva confesses that they do have feelings for each other, and Bibi has an explosive reaction. She snaps to her sisters, “Grace is barely cold in the ground, and she’s already trying to jump his bones.” She adds, “Whatever feelings you two are having, you better bury them like your sister.” Eva is hurt by Bibi’s frankness and departs. That night, Joe shows up looking for Becka and Eva accidentally lets it slip that Becka is pregnant. Ian comes over, and despite Eva’s reservations, she’s in a vulnerable place, and the two of them have sex.

Afterward, Eva has cordoned herself off in the bathroom, trying to come to terms with what she’s just done. Ian convinces her to open the door, and they sit side-by-side on the floor. Eva tells him, “This is the worst thing I’ve ever done… and I’ve done some really bad things.” Ian insists that she’s always trying to take care of everyone else. He asks her when is it actually time for her to be happy. He tells her that their relationship is not something that is just about grief for him. Eva then talks about being worried about her finances when it comes to Blanaid (Saise Quinn). If something happened to Eva, would Blanaid be taken care of? Ian suggests they go to the bank the next day to make arrangements.

Is Ian Going To Drive the ‘Bad Sisters’ Apart in Season 2 Episode 6?

Sharon Horgan and Owen McDonnell sitting on the floor together
Image via Apple TV+

Ian already seems to be driving a bit of a wedge between the sisters. Becka gives Eva a dirty look when Ian leaves the house, and Eva snaps at her to figure out her own life (especially before she goes to judge her). Then, in the last part of the episode, Bibi is seen coming out of the fertility clinic, when she notices Eva and Ian leaving the bank. She immediately gets suspicious of him. Could he be trying to siphon off Grace or Eva’s money? She heads to Ian’s house and confronts him, saying she always thought it was odd that Ian didn’t have any family or friends at his wedding to Grace. She thinks Ian is not who he says he is, and then states that Angelica “said you weren’t to be trusted.” And now Bibi thinks there might be something to Angelica’s wariness.

Is Bad Sisters setting up Ian to be the bad guy? Has he actually had some kind of nefarious motive in getting close to Eva, or is it just that any outside force is seen as the enemy to the Garvey sisters? There are only two episodes left in the season, but the mystery now deepens into who Ian really is. Plus, there’s no way that Houlihan will stop investigating (even with Loftus’ admonishment). Like Houlihan observed, everything is connected back to the Garvey sisters. So, will Angelica’s accident be tied to the sisters eventually? And will these sisters ever be able to escape the toxic forces that have permeated their family?

New episodes of Bad Sisters Season 2 are available to stream every Wednesday on Apple TV+ in the U.S.

bad sisters

Bad Sisters

Bad Sisters Season 2 Episode 6 depicts the Garveys going on a wild chase to cover up their secrets.


  • Sharon Horgan truly shines in this episode as Eva grapples with her complicated feelings for Ian.
  • The show is at its best when it features the sisters trying to cover up their lies.
  • It’s exciting to introduce some additional intrigue around Ian’s character.

  • It would have been good to at least get confirmation whether Angelica is truly dead (or not!) by the end of the episode.

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