All Marvel Rivals Season 1 Buffs & Nerfs Explained

All Marvel Rivals Season 1 Buffs & Nerfs Explained


Season 1 of Marvel Rivals will see multiple balance adjustments being made to different characters, applying buffs to some and nerfs to others. This patch is meant to keep gameplay intricate without one hero or villain becoming too strong or too weak. As new strategies and team compositions are formed, more patches may come in the future, but Season 1 is the first time changes have been applied since launch.

The buffs and nerfs being applied in Season 1 should not be confused with the seasonal shifts in power some characters receive from time to time. Seasonal buffs in Marvel Rivals give some characters boosted stats for a limited time, ranging from boosted health to extra damage. A special symbol next to someone on the character select screen indicates whether they have a seasonal buff active.

All Universal Changes Explained

Bug Fixes And New Characters

Marvel Rivals Fantastic Four Mr Fantastic As The Maker.
Custom Image by Jorge Aguilar

As of this time of writing, no universal changes are coming with the Season 1 Patch that affect all the characters at once. Universal adjustments would be small, such as overall increases to movement speed among Vanguard characters in Marvel Rivals. Every change in Season 1 directly impacts an individual’s unique abilities or the Team-Up skills they share with other characters.


Marvel Rivals: Every Strategist Character, Ranked From Worst To Best

A ranking of every strategist hero in Marvel Rivals. Strategists serve as the core backline of a team, and inevitably, some are better than others.

With the new character Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman arriving at the start of Season 1. These two newcomers are likely to receive bug fixes if there are any unexpected errors in their gameplay. For example, some abilities or either character’s Ultimate skill could interact strangely with other characters in a way developers did not intend, prompting a quick correction.

All Character Buffs & Nerfs

See What Abilities Have Been Balanced

A total of 24 different characters have received some type of buff or nerf through the Season 1 balance changes. Out of the 33-character starting roster, this is an extensive list of adjustments that impacts around 70% of the characters within the game. While some heroes or villains only have one minor shift in how their abilities function, some characters have major reworks to their individual moves.

The changes made to every character serve a purpose, with some adjustments meant to strengthen or weaken aspects of someone’s design. For example, the destructive potential of a character like Hela in Marvel Rivals has been nerfed to make her less dominant in every team comp.

The tables below outline what changes each character in the game received in Season 1:

Every Vanguard Buffs & Nerfs


Buffed Or Nerfed?

All Changes

Captain America


  • Reduced the delay time for shield restoration after releasing Living Legend
  • Reduced Liberty Rush cooldown
  • Increase Base Health
  • Reduced Ultimate energy charge cost
  • Reduced Bonus Health from Ultimate

Doctor Strange


  • Add damage falloff to Maelstrom of Madness and Gamma Maelstrom
  • Slighty decreased Shield recovery rate after releasing it



  • Reduced Indestructible Guard gamma shield value for Hero Hulk



  • Increased Base Health
  • Added Immunity to God of Thunder Ultimate



  • Increased Symbiotic Resilience Bonus Health ratio gained per HP lost
  • Increased Base Damage of Feast of the Abyss Ultimate

As you can see, the Vanguards who received buffs gained greater survivability, with stand-out characters being Captain America and Venom in this category. With some increases to their Base Health, some Vanguards are unlikely to fall fast during chaotic team fights. The Vanguards who received nerfs were Doctor Strange and Hulk, whose defensive skills were slightly tweaked to balance them closer to other characters in the archetype.

Every Duelist Buffs & Nerfs


Buffed Or Nerfed?

All Changes

Black Panther


  • Reduced additional health provided by Vibranium Marks
  • Reduced upper limit of Bonus Health from Spirit Rend

Black Widow


  • Increased range of Edge Dancer’s first effect
  • Reduced Fleet Foot skill recovery time
  • Reduced time for Electro-Plasma Explosion Ultimate to reach full power



  • Slightly reduce spread angle between Blast Arrows
  • Reduced triggering distance of Archer’s Focus Ultimate
  • Reduced max additional damage from passive ability





  • Increased Umbral Incursion damage in Darkchild Ultimate form


Marvel Rivals: How To Play Magik Guide (Abilities, Ultimate, Tips & Tricks)

Magik is a character you can play in Marvel Rivals, with her unique ability to create portals combining with a soul-fueled sword to take down enemies.


Buffed Or Nerfed?

All Changes

Moon Knight


  • Increased number of talons generated during Hand of Khonshu Ultimate
  • Increased explosion radius of Ultimate talons



  • More accuracy to Monstro Spawn and Frozen Spawn throw



  • Dance of the Butterfly Ultimate can now be blocked by Barriers

The Punisher


  • Reduced spread of Deliverance and Adjudication weapon fire

Scarlet Witch


  • Increased Chaos Control’s fixed damage per second
  • Redcued basic attack percentage damage per second
  • Increased Chthonian Burst’s projectile damage


Buffed Or Nerfed?

All Changes



  • Increased Wind Blade projectile speed
  • Increased Alternate Fire attack damage
  • Inncreased Bolt Rush damage
  • Increased Bonus Health after releasing Omega Hurricane Ultimate
  • Bonus Health after Ultimate diminishes slowly instead of disappearing

Squirrel Girl


  • Squirrels from Ultimate find new targets instead of bouncing randomly
  • Reduce Unbeatable Squirrel Tsunami health

Winter Soldier


  • Increased Bonus Health from Bionic Hook and Tainted Voltage
  • Increased Roterstern’s projectile damage
  • Increased Base Health
  • Reduced Area Damage
  • Reduced Damage Decay from Ultimate



  • Increased Base Health
  • Reduced Damage Reduction Ratio from Undying Animal

Many Duelists received extensive changes, with characters like Storm and Winter Soldier in Marvel Rivals receiving significant redesigns to their kit. For the most part, characters who have been dominant in many team comps have been balanced through adjusted abilities. Meanwhile, characters who were rarely seen have had their skills given new properties to give you more options when using them.

Every Strategist Buffs & Nerfs


Buffed Or Nerfed?

All Changes

Cloak & Dagger


  • Reduced Dagger Storm cooldown
  • Increased number of dashes in Eternal Bond Ultimate

Jeff the Land Shark


  • Adjusted range of Jeff! Ultimate
  • Increased healing of Joyful Splash

Luna Snow


  • Increased interval for switching between healing and damage forms of Ultimate



  • Reduced Nature’s Favor passive movement boost

Rocket Racoon


  • Increased healing of Repair Mode

Although there are few changes applied to Strategists, the adjustments made could be game-changing. For instance, the ridiculous range of Jeff the Land Shark’s Ultimate has been reduced, making it easier for you to escape its hard-to-predict radius. At the same time, nerfs to characters like Luna Snow and Mantis will make other Strategists more viable to use in your team combos in Marvel Rivals.

All Team-Up Ability Buffs & Nerfs

See Which Combinations Are Stronger

Marvel Rivals Hawkeye and Black Widow teaming up during launch trailer

Some Team-Up Abilities have also been adjusted slightly along with Season 1’s other changes. While not as detailed as individual character balancing, some Team-Up enhancements can make some heroes more viable to use. This emphasis on making Team-Ups better or weaker can help influence the coordination you have with your teammates throughout different matches.


10 Best Marvel Rivals Team-Ups (& How To Perform Them)

With how many team-ups there are in Marvel Rivals, it can be hard to keep track of them all or what’s worth using, but some stand out above the rest.

The table below goes over the six Team-Ups that have been changed, and whether they have been adjusted to be stronger or weaker:



Nerfed Or Buffed?

All Changes

Allied Agents

Hawkeye, Black Widow


  • Reduced Hawkeye’s Seasonal Buff Bonus

Ragnarok Rebirth

Thor, Hela, Loki


  • Reduced Hela’s Seasonal Buff Bonus

Chilling Charisma

Namor, Luna Snow


  • Increased Namor’s Frozen Spawn damage
  • Increased Namor’s Frozen Spawn slowing effect
  • Increased berserk state Frozen Spawn damage

Ammo Overload

Rocket Racoon, The Punisher, Winter Soldier


  • Reduced cooldown of Ammo Invention

Metallic Chaos

Magneto, Scarlet Witch


  • Increased Metallic Fusion projectile damage
  • Increased Metallic Fusion spell field damage

Voltaic Union

Thor, Storm, Captain America


  • Reduced Storm’s Charged Gale cooldown
  • Increased Storm’s Charged Gale damage

The increased strength in many underused Team-Ups will make rare character combinations better to use. Hopefully, the nerfs and buffs applied in Season 1 of Marvel Rivals will increase character diversity in matches, driving the game to a healthier place where more team comps can be used effectively.


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