All 4 Belmonts in ‘Castlevania’ and ‘Castlevania: Nocturne,’ Ranked

All 4 Belmonts in ‘Castlevania’ and ‘Castlevania: Nocturne,’ Ranked


Castlevania and its spin-off/sequel, Castlevania: Nocturne, are among the finest animated efforts we’ve had from Netflix. The shows, based on the popular Japanese video game series of the same name courtesy of Konami, are well-known for their distinctive anime-inspired, imperfect, and striking animation and dark narratives that aren’t afraid to address complex issues in service of a traditional monster-hunting story. Both series center on the Belmont Clan of vampire hunters. The original Castlevania takes place in the mid-14th century and follows Trevor Belmont’s (Richard Armitage) efforts to protect Walachia, modern-day Romania, from Dracula (Graham McTavish) and other vampire threats. Nocturne is set three hundred years later in French Revolution France and follows Trevor’s descendant, Richter Belmont (Edward Bluemel), as he battles Erzsebet Bathory (Franka Potente), the so-called “vampire messiah.”

Both shows feature four members of the Belmont Clan in different roles. However, one thing is certain: they live up to their reputation, thanks to their impressive skill and powers, which not only include peak physical ability but also a considerable degree of elemental magic, thanks to Trevor’s marriage with the Speaker Sypha Belnades (Alejandra Reynoso). The show makes it very clear just how mighty each Belmont is, but some are undeniably stronger than others, whether because of their strength, fighting ability, magical prowess, or skill with the whip. This list will rank each member of the Belmont Clan featured in both Castlevania and Castlevania: Nocturne based on the abilities they exhibit in the on-screen appearances, the powers they showcase, and the enemies they take down.


Julia Belmont (Sophie Skelton)

Richeter’s Mother and a Strong Fighter

Julia Belmont protecting a young Richter in Castlevania Nocturne
Image via Netflix

Julia Belmont (Sophie Skelton) is Richter’s mother and the main Belmont in 1783. Castlevania: Nocturne‘s opening scene shows her fighting the vampire Olrox (Zahn McClarnon), who is seeking revenge against her for the death of his lover. Julia holds her own until Richter intervenes and tries to help her. Unfortunately, the distraction costs her the battle and her life, as Olrox kills her in front of Richter.

Sadly, Julia only gets one scene to showcase her ability, and considering she loses the battle and her life, it’s not the best introduction. She is still a Belmont, and the fight against Olrox is actually quite fair and even, even if you can tell she is struggling a tad more than he is. Even if she loses this decisive battle, Julia remains one of the most badass women in animation, a tough fighter with a strong sense of protection and justice. Her role might be short, but it is no less important, and her death is a pivotal event in Richter’s life, inspiring him to become the best version of himself he can be.

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Release Date

September 28, 2023




Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage)

The One Who Brought Magic Into His Family

Trevor Belmont holding the Morningstar Whip while Sypha stands behind him in Castlevania
Image via Netflix

Trevor is the main protagonist of Castlevania and the last living member of the once-esteemed Belmont Clan. In Walachia, 1455, Trevor is a drunk going from tavern to tavern and caring only about where he’ll pass out after a night of heavy drinking. His life changes when he meets Syfa and Alucard (James Callis), becoming involved in the fight against Dracula and reconnecting with his role as a Belmont. Eventually, Trevor reclaims his pride, lives up to his family’s legacy, and is even willing to give his life if it means protecting the world from the dangers of the supernatural.

It might be a bit controversial to rank Trevor so low on this list, but the facts speak for themselves. Trevor is a strong fighter—in fact, he’s strong enough to go toe-to-toe with Alucard in hand-to-hand combat, even if Alucard is going easy on him. However, Trevor is still just a human, and while he’s more than capable of killing vampires, he isn’t strong enough to take on Dracula, one of the best vampires in animation, by himself. Trevor was courageous enough to face Death by himself, but he bested it with skill rather than with pure physical strength. Trevor was at his best when accompanied by Sypha and Alucard, each one bringing out the best in the other. However, as a solo fighter, Trevor pales compared to his descendants. Still, he is responsible for improving his line, thanks to his marriage to Sypha, so Trevor’s legacy as one of the most important Belmonts is all but ensured.


Juste Belmont (Iain Glen)

Jaded But Still Mighty

Juste Belmont looking intently ahead in Castlevania Nocturne
Image via Netflix

Juste Belmont is introduced halfway through Castlevania: Nocturne. Once the most powerful magic user of the Belmont clan, Juste became a bitter recluse following a personal tragedy that took the lives of his wife and close friend. Juste spends years living a few towns away from Righter and eventually reunites with him when the vampire messiah targets France. Juste plays a larger role in Castlevania: Nocturne Season 2, recovering his magic and becoming a surrogate father figure to Maria Renard (Pixie Davis). He ultimately travels to Paris with her to help Richter in the final fight against Erzsebet.

In Season 2, Juste is at the peak of his abilities. He is not only an incredibly powerful magic user, but he also wields his elemental abilities with ease and creativity, creating effective combos and improvising in the heat of battle, thus gaining the upper hand. During the final battle in Paris, Juste goes toe-to-toe with Erzsebet while still supporting Richter and keeping an eye on Maria, who he undoubtedly sees as a second daughter and a way to atone for his absence in Julia’s life. During his introduction, Juste claims he has killed over a thousand vampires, and the show does a great job of depicting him as a true powerhouse. If Castlevania: Nocturne returns for a third season—and hopefully, it will—Juste will surely take on a more active role and aid Maria and Alucard’s battle in Paris.


Richter Belmont (Edward Bluemel)

The Peak of Belmont Prowess

Richter Belmont is the young and cocky protagonist of Castlevania: Nocturne. An experienced vampire killer, he lives in the small town of Machecoul in France, where he grows up with his surrogate adoptive mother, Tera (Natassja Kinski), and her daughter, Maria. Richter becomes involved in the battle against Erzsebet Báthory, the so-called vampire messiah, who aims to absorb the spirit of the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet and bring about a perpetual eclipse. Joined by the former slave and Voodoo practitioner Annette (Thuso Mbedu), whom he later falls in love with, Richter and his allies attempt to stop Erzsebet’s plans.

Canonically speaking, at least in the games, Richter is likely the strongest Belmont, and Castlevania: Nocturne proves it. Especially in Season 2, Richter undergoes a massive power upgrade to the point where he is able to solo Erzsebet in full Sekhmet form. Richter and the considerably more experienced Alucard also make a great pairing, and their abilities not only seem on par but almost perfect complements of each other. During the final battle in Paris, Richter goes against both Erszebet and Drolta (Elarica Johnson) back-to-back, sustaining considerable injuries yet only becoming stronger. He ultimately kills Drolta using Alucard’s sword, a feat even Alucard and Juste seem impressed by. Without a doubt, Richter is the strongest Belmont in Castlevania, and he’ll only become better in future instances.

NEXT: 10 Movies To Watch if You Love ‘Castlevania’


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