Ahsoka Tano is one of the most popular and important characters in Star Wars, and throughout Star Wars movies and TV shows, she has proven to have these 12 Force abilities. There are many Force powers in Star Wars, some exclusively on the light side and some exclusively on the dark. These powers have expanded quite a bit over the years, such as with the introduction of Force healing in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, not to mention all the powers associated with the Force dyad between Kylo Ren and Rey.
Of course, there are also many tried and true Force abilities, such as the Jedi mind trick and telekinesis. As a character who has only appeared more and more throughout the Star Wars timeline, Ahsoka has increasingly revealed the breadth of her powers. Thus far, Ahsoka Tano has used these 12 Force powers in Star Wars canon.
Ahsoka Has Mastered The Most Commonly Known Jedi Ability
Telekinesis is one of the most commonly known Force powers, which is why all Rey knows in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is that the Force can include “lifting rocks.” As the very word suggests, this Force power gives the Jedi (or other Force-users, for that matter) the ability to move objects. This has been used throughout Star Wars for everything from opening doors to catching someone just in time before they hit the ground.
Ahsoka Tano has used this Force ability many times in Star Wars. One of the most significant uses came in the finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, during which Ahsoka managed to use the Force to pull Darth Maul’s ship back in. Had she not been dealing with the attacks of the clones during Order 66, she may very well have been able to ground the ship entirely, which is a power the likes of which have only rarely been seen, including by Darth Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Deflecting Blaster Bolts
This Ability Saved Ahsoka’s Life During Order 66
Another Force ability seen throughout Star Wars is blocking blaster bolts, which Jedi manage to do with their lightsabers. This Force ability actually saved Ahsoka’s life during Order 66. In Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker had Ahsoka practice blocking blaster bolts from the clones over and over again. In the end, it was this very training that allowed her to defend herself against countless blaster bolts when Order 66 began. Without this training, she would have died.

Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Survived Order 66 (In Canon)
Clone Protocol Order 66 caused once-loyal Clone troopers in Star Wars to wipe out the Jedi, but a handful managed to survive this initial purge.
This also wasn’t the only time Ahsoka had to employ this Force ability with the clones, although the circumstances were quite different the first time. Earlier in The Clone Wars, Ahsoka was on the run after being falsely accused of murder. As the clones were attempting to bring her back in, they shot at her (although Anakin had commanded them to use stun only). Once again, Ahsoka used this ability to protect herself.
Force-Enhanced Leaps
This Was Yet Another Power That Protected Ahsoka During Order 66
Quite similar to how Ahsoka survived Order 66 and managed to escape the clones when she was on the run, Ahsoka’s ability to perform Force-enhanced leaps saved her life. In the case of her escape from prison in The Clone Wars, Ahsoka ultimately got away because she jumped onto a ship below and rode down to the underworld of Coruscant, which made it much more difficult to find her. Ironically, she did this to escape Anakin specifically, and that had once been his signature move, especially in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.
Likewise, Ahsoka made use of Force-enhanced jumps several times as she tried to survive Order 66, including leaping up and away from the clones’ blaster bolts, leaping across different platforms aboard the ship, and even jumping through the air. As with her ability to protect herself against blaster bolts, Ahsoka’s ability to leap to safety countless times throughout this ordeal was a major factor in her survival. Of course, Ahsoka has used this Force power outside these dire circumstances as well.
Ahsoka made use of Force-enhanced jumps several times as she tried to survive Order 66.
Empathy / Animal Empathy
Tales Of The Jedi Revealed Ahsoka Had This Ability From A Young Age
Ezra Bridger may have been the first Jedi in Star Wars to truly display the Force power of animal empathy, most notably with his connection to Loth-wolves, but many Jedi have since joined the ranks, Ahsoka Tano among them. In Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka’s origins were finally shown, which confirmed that she had long possessed incredible strength in the Force. One example of this strength was her ability to calm a beast in her village, a Raxshir Tiger.
Although Ahsoka was only an infant, she was able to use this Force power to calm the beast and save herself. In fact, she even rode back into her village atop the creature, signaling the extent to which she had connected with it. It will be interesting to see if this power is touched upon again in Ahsoka season 2, especially with Ahsoka now on Peridea, where there is no doubt a whole host of unusual creatures.
Force Barrier
Ahsoka Was Able To Use This Power In The World Between Worlds
Force barrier has been seen many times in Star Wars, although most commonly in Star Wars’ TV shows, such as The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. In Rebels, Ahsoka used Force barrier to protect herself and Ezra Bridger from none other than Emperor Palpatine himself in the World Between Worlds. Because of the unique features of the World Between Worlds, which essentially bend—or break—the typical laws of space and time, Ahsoka and Ezra stood face to face with Palpatine, who attempted to blast them with Force lightning through a doorway.
With Force barrier, Ahsoka was able to protect them both, holding back the blast. This is especially impressive given how clear Star Wars has been about the power of Force lightning, Palpatine’s in particular. This is also a brilliant example of how often Ahsoka will reach first for a protective Force ability rather than an attack move, which proves how wonderfully she represents the way a Jedi should be.
Force Awareness
Ahsoka Has Used Her Force-Enhanced Intuition Many Times
Like telekinesis, Force awareness is one of the most commonly known Force powers in Star Wars. This is a broad term that can refer to many different actions, ranging from sensing danger to intuiting someone’s emotions. This can also specifically refer to feeling someone else’s presence in the Force, such as when Yoda felt that Anakin was experiencing pain and suffering after he slaughtered the Tusken Raiders in Attack of the Clones.
Ahsoka has used Force awareness many times in Star Wars. The most brutal example was perhaps in Rebels, when she sensed that it was Anakin Skywalker underneath Darth Vader’s mask. The shock of this revelation was so intense that Ahsoka actually passed out. Anakin/Vader had simultaneously been using this power, which was confirmed when he said, “The apprentice lives.” Ahsoka has also employed Force awareness at other points in Star Wars, including to sense when Padmé Amidala was in danger from the bounty hunter Aurra Sing.
The Jedi Mind Trick
Ahsoka Uses This Ability While With Rafa And Trace
One of the most famous Force abilities in all of Star Wars is the Jedi mind trick, which was first introduced in A New Hope, when Obi-Wan Kenobi delivered his iconic line, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” The Jedi mind trick has since become a staple in Star Wars, with countless Jedi using it for myriad reasons. Ahsoka is one such Jedi, and, in fact, one of her uses was incredibly controversial.
In The Clone Wars, while on the run because she was falsely accused of murder, Ahsoka met sisters Rafa and Trace. Unfortunately, the girls found themselves in quite a bit of trouble with the Pykes, a powerful and dangerous crime syndicate. To get them out of a tight spot, Ahsoka used the Jedi mind trick to get some credits off the Pykes. Many questioned whether this was right for Ahsoka to do, as it went against how the Jedi would typically use this Force power. Notably, Ahsoka didn’t consider herself a Jedi at the time.
Force visions
Ahsoka Tano Did What Anakin Skywalker Could Not By Saving Padmé
As mentioned, the bounty hunter Aurra Sing came after Padmé in The Clone Wars and very nearly claimed her life. What ultimately saved Padmé is one of the greatest ironies in Star Wars. Just like Anakin, Ahsoka began having nightmares that were really Force visions about Padmé dying. Also like Anakin, Ahsoka sought Master Yoda’s guidance on the matter. For whatever reason, though, Yoda gave Ahsoka entirely different advice than he gave Anakin, which saved Padmé’s life in the end.
Yoda gave Ahsoka entirely different advice than he gave Anakin, which saved Padmé’s life in the end.
Whereas Yoda basically told Anakin to ignore his visions and not give into them, Yoda taught Ahsoka how to use her visions to identify the threat and save Padmé’s life. This was all Anakin had wanted in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, but, presumably, Yoda trusted Ahsoka more than he did Anakin (which he wasn’t necessarily wrong about). Even so, it’s clear Ahsoka mastered this Force power, as she was able to use it to stop Aurra Sing and save Padmé’s life.
Mind Probe
Ahsoka Used A Version Of This Power To Learn Grogu’s Name
The Force power known as the “mind probe” is exclusively a dark side Force ability, but Ahsoka seems to have employed some version of this power in The Mandalorian. The Sith form of the mind probe was prominently used in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, as it was evidently Kylo Ren’s method of choice for getting information out of his victims. While Ahsoka’s use of this power wasn’t anything like that, she did manage to learn Grogu’s name in The Mandalorian by going into his mind.
Ahsoka did manage to learn Grogu’s name in The Mandalorian by going into his mind.
It’s unclear at present whether this is an entirely new Force ability or if this is simply the light side version of the Sith power. It’s also possible that this is a very enhanced form of Force awareness in the case of Ahsoka and Grogu, although, given she is able to get information directly from Grogu’s mind, that seems unlikely. It will also be interesting to see whether Ahsoka uses this power again, as, currently, this was only a one-off.
Ahsoka Was Able To Intuit Where Sabine Wren Had Gone In Ahsoka
The Ahsoka show revealed yet another Force ability that Ahsoka can shockingly use: psychometry. This unique Force power was showcased in Star Wars: The Force Awakens when Rey touched Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber and was sent through a series of scenes connected to the weapon. This power has appeared elsewhere in Star Wars as well, including in The Clone Wars, in which Quinlan Vos revealed his aptitude with this ability.
Ahsoka employed this Force ability in Ahsoka, after her former apprentice, Sabine Wren, had left with Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati. Ahsoka was able to find out a bit more about what had happened before Sabine left by touching the destroyed star map. In doing so, she was even able to hear conversations that had taken place between Sabine and Baylan. Hopefully, Ahsoka will continue to make use of this ability, as that would make for an exciting plot narratively and would give this Force ability quite a bit more screen time.
Kyber Purification
Ahsoka Now Has White Lightsabers
Kyber crystals have become an increasingly fascinating part of Star Wars because of the ever-expanding number of lightsaber colors but also because so much more has been revealed about how they turn red (from ‘bleeding’) and now, how they turn white. The process of bleeding a kyber crystal to turn it red involves a dark side Force-user pouring their rage and hatred into a crystal, typically one they’ve won from a Jedi in battle. White kyber crystals, and therefore white lightsabers, have an almost opposite origin.

Every Canon Lightsaber Color In Star Wars (And Their Meaning)
Lightsabers in the Star Wars galaxy aren’t only blue and red – there are 8 canon lightsaber colors in Star Wars (so far). Here’s what they all mean.
To obtain white kyber crystals, a light side Force-user must take a red kyber crystal and purify it. As the inverse of what is done to turn a crystal red, this means the light side Force-user trying to understand what turned the crystal’s previous owner to the dark and have empathy for them. More than a process, though, this is a specific Force power, and it’s one that Ahsoka evidently possesses. After having green and blue lightsabers at different points, Ahsoka now wields two white lightsabers, proving she has mastered this ability.
To obtain white kyber crystals, a light side Force-user must take a red kyber crystal and purify it.
Ahsoka Used This In The Ahsoka Novel Against The Sixth Brother
The final Force power Ahsoka has used is Shatterpoint, although this ability is the most arguable on the list. Shatterpoint refers to Mace Windu’s unique Force power that was once in Legends but was canonized in the Revenge of the Sith novelization. The power gives one the ability to perceive their opponent’s weak point, thereby making them a much greater threat in battle. Ahsoka seemingly used this Force power in her fight against the Sixth Brother in the Ahsoka novel, written by E.K. Johnston.
What makes this an even thornier question is the fact that there’s some debate about whether the Ahsoka novel is actually Star Wars canon. Aspects of the novel seem to contradict events in other Star Wars shows, most notably Tales of the Jedi, but the Ahsoka book is nevertheless primarily seen as canon at present. In light of that, Shatterpoint seems to be among the many impressive Force abilities Ahsoka Tano has exhibited throughout her Star Wars appearances.
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