How To Get Combat Frenzy & All Effects

How To Get Combat Frenzy & All Effects


Path of Exile 2 has numerous ways to gain power, with Combat Frenzy and its corresponding effects being a popular method. One of the charms of this highly-anticipated sequel is the flexibility it offers on the path to power. Classes are more versatile than ever, and while class skills are strongest when playing into the “role,” dipping into other class skills a bit can create powerful combinations. However, this has been limited so far since early access began, since only six of the full 12 classes are currently playable.

Another huge beneficial change from its predecessor is how Skill Gems work in PoE 2. Instead of being equipped with armor/weapons, characters now have a separate page that can hold up to nine Skill Gems. Each gem can also hold two support gems, with this limit being raised to five with the right crafting materials. This change has not only made character-building much easier but also allows for skills to have more power than ever.

How To Get Combat Frenzy

A Top-Tier Spirit Gem

Path of Exile 2 with Spirit gems, Spirit skills, and Ascendancy portraits.
Custom Image by Katarina Cimbaljevic

Combat Frenzy is one of Path of Exile 2‘s many Spirit Gems. Thus, it can be acquired by getting an uncut Spirit Gem and picking that specific skill. However, as this is a tier eight skill, it will require an uncut gem of at least level eight. After that, it is as simple as typing Combat Frenzy into the search bar at the bottom of the skill tab which will open, and cutting the gem into that specific skill.

Getting an uncut Spirit Gem can sometimes be annoying, as besides a handful of guaranteed drops, chances are random. In this way, the best activity to increase drop rates is to kill as many rare monsters as fast as possible. Rare monsters have an increased chance of dropping every kind of uncut gem, so it will only be a matter of time before a Spirit Gem appears. If you are new to the game or starting a new character, there are three guaranteed drops of Spirit Gems:

  • King Of The Mists boss from Act One
  • Golden Tomb loot room in Act Two
  • Ignaduk The Bog Witch from Act Three

All Combat Frenzy Effects

A Means To Power

Combat Frenzy will reward a character with a Frenzy Charge every 6.1 seconds when they freeze, electrocute, or pin an enemy. These are three status afflictions that are relatively easy to apply, and every class has access to them. For example, some of the best endgame Sorceress builds are based around the Stormweaver ascendancy. This ascendancy plays around elemental damage, so the chance to freeze or electrocute enemies is high, and thus grants plenty of Frenzy Charges.


How To Ascend In Path Of Exile 2

Unlocking and choosing an Ascendancy is an important part of developing your build in the mid-to-late game of Path of Exile 2. Here’s how to do it.

Frenzy Charges are stackable buffs that will empower other skills. Though not every skill can be empowered, the ones that can usually see a dramatic increase. For example, Witches can empower their Summon Zombie skill to increase the health, duration, and damage a summoned zombie will do. Frenzy Charges take skills that may seem underwhelming at first, and make them into powerhouse foundations of builds.

A skill will say if it can be empowered, and what this empowerment will do, in the skill description.

Unfortunately, for balance’s sake, Frenzy Charges do have some limitations. They can only be stacked up to three, and they will expire after 20 seconds. Even with this, it is relatively easy to gain new charges, so the limitations are more geared toward fast rotations than limiting potential. Likely, more items that increase the amount of stack that can be held will be released as early access continues, but this ability is currently limited to the Unique boots Darkray Vectors.

Overall, Frenzy Charges are a huge way to boost the power of specific builds, and Combat Frenzy is a helpful boon for this. Other skills can help generate charges, but having a passive that makes things simpler is a huge advantage. All with the added benefit that it is something that any class, even likely for the six missing ones, can accomplish. Players should look to utilize Path of Exile 2‘s Combat Frenzy and Frenzy Charges to take character builds to the next level.


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