10 Crucial Tips For Beginners To Farming Simulator 25

10 Crucial Tips For Beginners To Farming Simulator 25


There’s a reason that Farming Simulator 25 is considered the most realistic farming simulator game; it includes a huge variety of game mechanics for players to pay attention to as they run their own farms. Whether someone wants to run a massive farming operation with hired workers, livestock, and numerous fields, or keep it to a small hobby farm size, there is a lot that players need to learn. Although it can be overwhelming the first time someone logs in, by taking the time to understand how the game works, it can become a wonderful escape from the real world.

The release of the latest entry in the series, Farming Simulator 25, has brought a renewed interest in the game from many who may have never tried this realistic simulator game before. With its numerous details built into the game mechanics, it can be incredibly overwhelming for a new, casual player to jump in. However, once someone has gotten the hang of things, Farming Simulator can be a wonderfully rewarding and entertaining game. Here are a few tips to help get past the initial learning curve, so players can focus on having fun.

10 Don’t Skip The In-Game Tutorial

The Guided Intro Tour Is Important For This Game

Starting out in Farming Simulator 25, players have the choice of taking the Guided Intro Tour, which is essentially a tutorial of basics needed for playing the game. Grandpa Walter leads players through some crucial lessons before leaving them to do their own thing, helping someone to understand how to plant seeds, harvest, and more.


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Naturally, as a tutorial, this can be a bit boring for many players, and it can be incredibly tempting to skip the offered lessons and just try to figure things out through playing the game. Farming Simulator games have a massive learning curve to them, however, which means that taking the time to listen to grandpa’s advice can save a lot of time and frustration later on. This helpful advice is only triggered when playing a new game on one of the game’s standard maps, not downloaded mods for locations.

9 Start Out With The Most Money Possible, Without A Loan

$1,000,000 Can Really Make Things Better

Starting a game allows players to choose some beginning settings, including how much money they begin with, if they have a loan, and the economic difficulty settings. While this is pretty obvious, beginners will want to make sure they start with as much money as possible and have the difficulty set to easy. Finances can be the toughest challenge in Farming Simulator, so getting a bit of a head start can make a huge difference.

Suggestions for starting out:

Start with as much money as the game will allow.

Do not start with a loan.

Set economic difficulty to Easy.

Choose YES for Start Farm.

Choose YES for Guided Intro-Tour.

At the same time, though it can be tempting to take a loan right away to allow players to purchase all the fun machinery and animals, loans can ultimately cause some big problems later on when those payments come due. Just like in real life, it is best to hold off on any loans until absolutely necessary.

8 Pick One Or Two Things To Focus On

Don’t Try To Do Everything All At Once

There are a lot of ways that players can enjoy running their farms, with several different types of crops to plant using a variety of machinery, livestock to build pens for and raise, greenhouses to run, and the ability to do contract jobs for extra money. As a realistic simulator game, there are a lot of details that go into each and every activity. Trying to jump in and do everything all at the beginning can be a big mistake when someone is learning the basics.

Not only can it be expensive to purchase all the equipment for everything, but trying to figure out how to do everything at once can be hard. Keep it simple to begin with, and choose a few types of crops to master first. Simply learning how to plant, fertilize, and harvest some wheat can be a lot to figure out. There is no need to be making rice fields and handling livestock at the same time.

7 Find The Crop Calendar And Keep An Eye On It

Plan Ahead For The Right Crops In The Right Seasons

The Crop Calendar is located in the Options menu as the second tab on the right, just underneath the Crop Types tab and is shown with an icon of a calendar. This calendar will list out each of the types of crops that can be grown, with green bars showing the best months for planting that crop and the orange lines showing when to harvest. A vertical dotted line designates what the date in the game currently is.

For an even easier way of playing, there is a setting to turn off Seasonal Growth, as shown in the above YouTube video by AF Farmz. This change makes it possible to plant and harvest any crop at any time. If someone wants to just take their time and do their own thing, this can be a great way to play around with various types of crops without needing to wait until a specific time of year.

6 Contracts Are A Great Way To Learn Some Basics

While learning some of the basic skills for Farming Simulator 25, a good option is to accept a few of the available contracts in the game. Found in the Options menu as the fourth tab from the top, contracts are individual jobs that NPCs are requesting help with. This can include anything from picking up stones to harvesting a crop, and players will earn some extra money for completing the task.

Contracts have time limits set to them, so it is important to only take on a contract that can be done immediately.

Taking on one of these jobs shows players what machinery is needed, which can be leased for the contract if the player does not already have one, and can be a great way to learn how to do something new. Sometimes this will also help players understand how the different machinery operates, or even inspire people to try doing something new on their own farm after doing it in a contract job.

5 The Map Gives Much More Than Just Directions

Easily See What Each Field Needs

While the in-game map is useful for getting around to deliver products, purchase machinery, get to contracts, and other typical map things, Farming Simulator 25 has many extra features in their map. There are tabs at the top of the column on the left that will cycle between different things, such as Crop Types, Soil Composition, Field Ownership, and more.


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Looking at the Soil Composition map can be extremely handy for farmers. Here, players can see exactly which fields need to be fertilized, need weeding, have stones, and more. Using this, players can easily see what needs to be done next, without having to run all over the farm looking at everything. Later in the game, when a farmer may have numerous fields, this is a must for staying on top of things.

4 Use The In-Game Clock To Speed Time Up And Slow It Down As Needed

This Handy Tool Can Be Used As Often As Desired

Unlike some games where there isn’t a lot a player can do besides pause the game and maybe make it double speed, Farming Simulator gives players a lot of control over the speed of their games. The default setting for time is to move at 5x the rate of real-world time. If players want to speed things up, it can go as fast as 360x to quickly watch some crops grow up to be ready to harvest.

Alternatively, if a player is getting overwhelmed by the amount of things that they still need to do, it can be slowed down to real-time to provide much more flexibility, particularly when rushing to complete a contract.

3 Keep Things Simple At First By Not Starting With Livestock

Animals Are Adorable, But They Can Wait

Animals, particularly baby animals, can easily be the cutest part of the game. Unfortunately, like in real life, they also come with a lot of extra financial burden and a considerable amount of skills to learn. It can be very tempting to get all the cute animals and, of course, if that is what someone wants to focus on, then they should go ahead. One comforting feature of Farming Simulator titles is that the animals do not die, even if they aren’t fed for a while.

However, if someone is overwhelmed with learning the basics of the game, animals are optional. Playing around with understanding how livestock works may prove to be much more enjoyable once some of the other aspects are mastered first.

2 Adjust The Settings, Including Turning Off Crop Destruction

Tornadoes Don’t Help The Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed

One of the realistic features in this virtual farming experience is the possibility of extreme weather such as hail, fog, and even tornadoes. While they can certainly add variety and excitement to the experience, as well as some impressive visuals, they can also cause a significant amount of damage. Extreme weather can damage crops and buildings, and require a lot of extra work from a farmer.

Turning off Crop Destruction also allows players to freely drive over their crops without causing damage.

For a simpler game, players can go into the Game Settings menu and toggle off the option for Crop Destruction. With this turned off, even a tornado wouldn’t ruin the precious progress that a player has made with growing a crop.

1 Don’t Be Afraid To Check Out The Official Farming Simulator Academy With Questions

An Official Help Page With In-Depth Explanations, With Videos And Written Articles

Whether someone is a beginner or has played Farming Simulator games for years, the official Farming Simulator website has a valuable section of helpful tutorials called the Farming Simulator Academy. This in-depth list of tutorials covers everything from how to sow and harvest specific crops to what each of the attachments are for a front loader. There are both videos and written explanation articles included on the site, so people can get answers in whichever way they prefer.

Many of the tutorials currently available in the Farming Simulator Academy were originally written for
Farming Simulator 22
but are being optimized for
Farming Simulator 25

These tutorials can be used to get a thorough understanding of how to play before someone dives into the game, or can be easily pulled up while playing to help get past a specific situation. This isn’t an easy game, although players can tweak it to fit their gaming styles as they figure out the mechanics of the game itself. Ultimately, Farming Simulator 25 can be a calming and rewarding virtual space, even though it may take a little bit of time to grasp everything it offers.

Source: AF Farmz/YouTube, Farming Simulator/YouTube, Farming Simulator Academy


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