How To Solve The Whimstar Puzzle In Infinity Nikki

How To Solve The Whimstar Puzzle In Infinity Nikki


There are well over 100 Whimstars available as part of Infinity Nikki to collect for unlocking new sketches and new abilities. Some can have Whimstar puzzles to solve before you can collect them. Many of these key collectibles in Papergame’s dazzling dress-up RPG can be pretty simple to find. A lot of the Whimstars don’t even have a challenge mechanic for it, meaning you can just go right up to it.

For others, however, you need to put a bit of work in, like what you need to do to win Style Challenges in Infinity Nikki. Nevertheless, the way to solve these quick puzzles becomes easier when you get the hang of it. Then you can spend more time worrying about other parts of the game, like learning how to get more Insight to upgrade Nikki’s skills.

Whimstar Puzzle Solution In Infinity Nikki

Look Out For A Star

Tutorial instructions on how to solve an Infinity Nikki Whimstar puzzle

To solve the various versions of the Whimstar puzzle in Infinity Nikki, making the spherical ball of thread to turn into a proper Whimstar, you must find and investigate its key star-shaped item in the specific highlighted yellow area. As you approach the Whimstar in its ball-shaped form, the camera’s perspective alters to show a small area highlighted in yellow. This isn’t exactly something that can be found using the latest Infinity Nikki codes, but the reality of finding one is pretty straightforward.

Within the highlighted yellow area, you need to track down the one star-shaped element that could be linked to the Whimstar, and press the “Investigate” prompt. In the case of my first Whimstar puzzle, it was a wall with a bit of star-shaped graffiti as shown in the above tutorial picture. Once you find and investigate it, the Whimstar will finally revert from its ball form into a regular Whimstar, which you can then approach to collect.

If you forget to walk up to the Whimstar after solving the puzzle, you can always go back to it later, and it won’t have disappeared.

Some Whimstar Puzzles Are More Difficult

You Need To Be More Thorough

Depending on the particular puzzle, some of these hidden Whimstars within Infinity Nikki can be a little more difficult to find than others. For example, when trying to solve the Whimstar puzzle outside the Daisy Inn in Florawish, the star you need to find is more cleverly hidden in plain sight compared to the aforementioned graffiti variant. In this case, you need to investigate the small star on the sign to the right of the stairs outside the inn.

This means as you explore Miraland and find more of these puzzles, you’ll need to spend more time investigating detailed parts of each one’s highlighted area before you can solve it. Be that as it may, we so far haven’t come across any that haven’t taken more than a couple of minutes to solve. Just remember to keep an eye out for star-shaped items, and solving these Whimstar puzzles in Infinity Nikki will be an easy enough task every time.


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