Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For November 27, 2024 (Puzzle #535)

Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For November 27, 2024 (Puzzle #535)


If your Internet happens to be spotty today, it can make it difficult to finish up the Connections puzzle on time. However, you can save some time and save your frustration if that is the case by using a few hints to guide your way. You will want to at least consider that information, as without the answers you will be in danger of losing your streak and once that is gone, it’s gone forever until you are able to build it back up.

There is a reason “mini” items are so popular, from miniature versions of popular dog breeds to miniature houses to miniature Skittles, which are objectively the best kind of mini candy. Like mini Skittles, the NYT’s Mini Crossword puzzle has everything you love about the previous version, but now it is smaller and way easier to digest in large quantities. The Mini Crossword puzzle will always have you come back looking for more, and the mini Skittles on the kitchen counter tend to agree whenever I walk past them.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

NOVEMBER 27 #535

Plant in Connections Categories November 27

Even if the rest of the Internet world is having a slow, glitchy day, you do not want to be spotty on your own as you try to finish today’s puzzle with the least amount of hints possible. To avoid that feeling of being not quite all there, you can use a few hints to help you gain that confidence back and save your streak and your day.

  • One category is about things that just cannot get it right
  • One category is about things that, if broken, will cost you too much to fix
  • One category is about items that just need some TLC
  • One category is about four words that come before the same word in a phrase – that word is something you might go to see


12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly

The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.

Keep reading to get some good old category names to help you with this puzzle.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar

___ BAND

Today’s Connections Answers

NOVEMBER 27 #535

Plant in Connections Answers November 27

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






This category is fairly obvious but also a lot of fun. There were not really any other words I wanted to go here, and they all felt like they belonged together. BUGGY and GLITCHY caught my attention first, which are both things I am very familiar with having to deal with. ERRATIC and SPOTTY also seem like they go together really well. After that, it was just a matter of matching those two pairings together, which did not feel hard or unwarranted at all.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






This one was a little trickier. MIRROR was not immediately a pick for me, although I am not sure why, and I feel a little sad that I did not. However, RUBBER, which I used instead, was something I thought might be taking the place of a word for TIRE in this category. It would make sense for it to be the red herring and to make people think about it a little more, but unfortunately, it does have an alternative meaning that belongs in the last category definitively. Otherwise, most of the words were easier to place here.


9 Helpful Tips To Beat The Password Game (& 1 Useless One)

The Password Game can be frustrating as it uses complex mechanics that can be difficult to figure out, even with help.

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






This one was confusing and BOY could definitely fit in here without knowledge of what the final category might be. Getting it right is difficult, but you want to be able to avoid the tricks from the editor at the same time. It might be a word puzzle, but sometimes deception is a key element as much as anything else is. This feels like one of those times, but the puzzle also is not wrong. All four words are things that people often pay to have looked after while they are away.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar

___ BAND





This one was kind of funny, just because of the mix of words and things that can all be made with the word “band” in the mix. A BOY band is very different from a WEDDING band, and so are RUBBER and TRIBUTE. However, coming to this category last is usually always the right thing to do, as it can be challenging and the mix of words so different from each other that you do not notice what is supposed to be held in common by them.

Other Games Like Connections

If you are still trying to figure out what’s to be done with the spotty Internet, you can wait for it to sort itself out while playing these nice puzzles on your phone, which is a great, engaging way to kill time if you ask me.

Game Name

How To Play

Is It Free To Play?

Wordle (NYT)

Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list.



Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints.


The Password Game

Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide.



Try to solve a game of Wordle without any help. With each guess, the game reveals as little information as possible, even changing the word if need be.



June 12, 2023

The New York Times Company

The New York Times Company


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