Building and designing a base in Palworld can be incredibly fun with the amount of creativity that players can put into it. Many talented Palworld players have shared their base designs online, which can provide ample sources of inspiration for those just getting started with designing their own spaces. Whether looking to build a private oasis for Pals to spend their days, an impenetrable fortress, or the perfect resource factory, these bases are as useful as they are beautiful.
Although they aren’t always user-friendly, Palworld supplies players with tools to build nearly anything they can imagine. Bases in Palworld serve many purposes by providing space to build buildings and workbenches, produce materials, create gear, and even breed Pals and hatch eggs. They are also structures that require protection, as enemy raids will attack. Placing Pals who are good at defense there will help, but the design of the base itself will play a large role in protecting all that hard work and the Pals inside.
Farm and Mining Bases
Created By Reddit User silver-potato-kebab
Sometimes, one base just isn’t enough, and Palworld players make several bases for different purposes. Reddit user silver-potato-kebab did this with their two bases, creating a farming and mining base for their Pals. The farming base is a cute and cozy house with a dedicated area for farming and harvesting crops out front.

A Simple Palworld Trick Can Provide Unlimited Skill Fruits For The Best Skills
Using certain Pals and building bases in the right location can help players get unlimited Skill Fruits, useful tools to have on hand in Palworld.
The mining base is built more like a fortress and is located by a rocky outcrop. This second base is unique for its curved fencing, which isn’t technically possible to create in the game. Instead, the Redditor lined up the fencing pieces to resemble a circular fence, without the pieces actually connecting. The result is convincing and looks great, especially from above.
Two Floor Unraidable Ranch
Created By Reddit User PivotsForDays
Palworld players can make bases nearly anywhere as long as there’s enough space for them and they stay within the base-building limits. Despite this, there are several popular locations for base building, and Verdant Hills is one of them. Reddit user PivotsForDays chose the spot for their base, destroying some mining nodes in favor of building space.
As a result, this might not be the most convenient base, but it more than makes up for it with incredible views of the mountains and surrounding lush forest. The base’s two-floor reinforced structure is constructed out of metal to avoid degradation, making it nearly impossible to destroy. And, as a final bonus, the space has a relaxing rooftop Hot Springs for use between raiding and mining missions.
Breeding Base With An Incredible View
Created by Reddit User LmL-coco
This base by LmL-coco sits “on the edge of a cliff with a birseye view over misty islands and mountain.” The large circular base is built around a fountain centerpiecce and has distinct areas with different functions. It even has an adorable little snowman in the snowy section of the field.
Besides being incredibly functional, though, this base is built to maximize aesthetics. The Redditor constructed the windows and placed their bed in such a way that they get to see the gorgeous view out of their window every time they wake up.
A Base For Every Need
Created by Reddit User Control_90
As many other players do, Control_90 built several different bases in a number of locations, each with its own farming and mining function. What sets these apart from other bases is that each construction has a completely different theme and style, creating three completely unique locations with dedicated design themes.

New Leaked Pokémon Game Could’ve Beaten Palworld To The Punch
Along with everything else revealed by the Pokémon leaks, an unreleased project from 2019 could have meant more direct competition for Palworld.
The ore farm is a circular base on a mountaintop, appearing both functional and pleasing to look at. The ranch and breed farm has a rustic feel to it thanks to all the exposed wood in the structures. Finally, the quartz farm is a modern-looking structure rising high up in the air on a snowy mountain. Together, the three show how versatile Palworld’s base building mechanic is.
Massive Town Base
Created by Reddit User PhealixOG
Palworld’s base-building does have one main limitation: Building outside of the dedicated base area causes everything outside the circle to degrade and be destroyed over time. Luckily, players can turn this feature off and focus on building whatever they want, no matter how far it extends beyond the guidelines.
Reddit user PhealixOG took advantage of this feature to create a sprawling city full of details to discover, like a cozy library sitting area and an alley lined with boxes and barrels. This is a functioning base, with all the interactable things located inside the building circle and cosmetics outside of it. The player tried to populate the base with merchants and NPCs but they tended to get stuck, “mostly behind doors because they can’t open them for some reason.” Maybe in a future update, the town can turn into a bustling one full of characters.
Secret Base 2.0
Created By Reddit User River922
There are many locations around the Palworld lands that have strangely empty spaces. These may seem to be perfect for base building, but the spaces may eventually be filled in with updates and new content, potentially destroying any bases located in those areas. For Reddit user River922, this likely won’t be an issue, since their impressive secret base is actually located entirely underwater.

Palworld: How To Beat Bjorn & Bastigor
Bjorn is somewhat of a final boss in Palworld’s Feybreak update, using the powerful Pal Bastigor. When together, these two are hard opponents to beat.
The massive, secret, fully-functioning base is covered with a layer of water and somehow also has a waterfall cascading down one side of the space. A vine-covered tower leads up to the highest point in the base. A secret door leads out to a room with a statue, where the base’s creator can call forth their mount which rises up out of the water. From above, it’s practically impossible to spot the base, making it the perfect hideout.
Black Bull Manor
Created By Reddit User SergeantDaRkS
This awesome build by SergeantDaRkS looks impressive even to those who don’t get the reference. The structure stands many stories tall and seems to be made of several houses stacked on top of each other at random intervals and angles. Small windows dot the sandy edifice, as well as several orange roofs. The whole structure looks like it was assembled by a child playing with blocks, giving it an endearing and whimsical effect.
The design is even more impressive when the source material is considered. The base is a Palworld recreation of Black Bull Manor, the home base of the Black Bull squad from the anime Black Clover. The creator painstakingly recreated the mansion from reference pictures on their phone, with the whole build taking around 12-13 hours.
Cozy Lakeside Cottage
Created By Reddit User Biscuit1592
Many bases in Palworld are either impressive and epic or very functional. Redditor Biscuit1592 has a different take on base design, opting for a much cozier and more aesthetic presentation. Their base is located on an idyllic lakeside with magnificent waterfall views. The base is as functional as it is aesthetically pleasing, featuring bustling grounds and a farm.
The centerpiece of the base build is a cozy wooden cottage with a hot spring rock pool at the front overlooking the lake. The inside is every bit as cozy as the outside, with rustic furniture decorating the space. There’s a bedroom with a wardrobe, bed, and even a grandfather clock as well as a living room with a cozy reading nook, with an armchair in front of a fireplace that has two bookcases on either side. A dining table and a cute kitchen complete the warm environment.
Japanese-Inspired Breeding Castles
Created By Reddit User Bakaforever2
Breeding bases often prioritize function over form, but Redditor Bakaforever2 has created a great example of one that’s both functional and beautiful. The base consists of two multi-story towers rising high over the edge of a cliff. The towers’ architecture is inspired by Japanese castles, with a stylized roof topping each floor and two bridges connecting the two buildings for ease of access.
The towers are made even more beautiful thanks to the brilliant blue river that flows through them. The river winds its way down past the two towers, crossing right between the two before cascading out over the edge of the cliff on the other side. Every floor of the build is a functioning breeding space, but the highlight of the buildings is the breathtaking view that can be seen when the player reaches the roof.
Crystal Cave
Created By Reddit User WavyGravyO2
Reddit user WavyGravyO2 had to make some sacrifices when they decided to move their main base to this location, but the results are worth the trouble. This base is built in an underground cave located in the Feybreak expansion. According to the creator, the entrance to the location is at -911, -1318, which opens into a natural space for players to form their base.
The player’s base is decorated with massive orange crystals growing out of the cave walls and floors, giving the space a mysterious feel. Although this makes it convenient to farm resources, the creator says the base’s foundation gets in the way of several of the naturally spawning resources. The cobblestone floors and street lamps lighting the cave give the base a feel like a secret underground city.
Attack On Titan Inspired City
Created By Reddit User Commercial_Neck8986
Some mods can make building in Palworld easier, but Commercial_Neck8986 didn’t use any mods in the creation of their incredible, massive city. The entire base is built around a hilltop castle base and took about two weeks to finish.
The city’s design features several rings of walls separating it into several sections, earning comparisons to the segmented city of the Attack on Titan anime. The city has many nooks and crannies, and houses with red roofs painstakingly placed one by one. It’s so impressively massive, in fact, that entering it causes the game to lag. It seems worth it, though, for the epic view that players get when flying over it on a Pal mount.
An Impressive And Imposing Building
Created By Reddit User Zathura2
Zathura2 on Reddit has crafted a structure that feels a bit like a castle. The beautiful arched walls surrounding the building and artistically angled rooflines give it a bit of visual appeal to break up the massive walls. On the back, a large opening creates a perfect entry and exit for flying Pals, while keeping protected from any intruders thanks to its drastic dropoff. Any non-flying Pals would be advised to stay far away from that chasm, particularly with no guardrails in sight.
This base is a perfect demonstration of strength and protection against enemy forces. It may not be as visually appealing as some others, yet it stands as a fortress that will not allow any danger to come to the Pals housed within.
Curvy Elegance In Simplicity
Created By Reddit User Chudsicles
This snowy base by Reddit user Chudsicles is a curvy example of a more traditional old-time fort. Its fire-resistant stone walls help to protect it, while the layout is visually pleasing, very organized, and useful.

One Palworld Mechanic Can Wipe Your Entire Base, But You Can Stop It From Happening
One surprising mechanic in Palworld could ruin your entire base, but it doesn’t have to. Here’s how to stop this catastrophic event.
Every important feature has its rightful place and everything is well-balanced. This Palworld base may be more simplistic than some others, but it is a beautiful example of a well-set-up base that would be more doable for anyone wanting to follow the example.
Fort Husky Looks Like A Giant Guard Dog
Created By Reddit User PbPunk007
This creative approach by Reddit user PbPunk007 looks like a giant Pal in its design, perhaps hoping to ward off enemies who may perceive it from a distance as a giant. Fort Husky, as it is dubbed by its creator, is a clever base that may not have as much practicality but wins in cuteness. It would be nice to be able to see more of this artistic structure and see what it looks like from the inside and where things are located.

Palworld Patch Update Fixes A Major Bug Holding Back Players
A new Palworld patch addresses several key issues with the game, and one of the fixes might make it a lot easier to meaningfully progress.
Seeing Fort Husky can spark one’s imagination and will hopefully inspire many more players to try a sillier approach to their base building. While the tools that Palworld supplies are not entirely user-friendly, perhaps as the game development gets further along and closer to its actual launch, there will be more options available to stretch the creativity. As PbPunk007 proves here, bases don’t have to be boring to be functional.
A Base Fit For A Gladiator
Created By Reddit User Gladiator_001
Fitting to their name, Reddit user Gladiator_001‘s base feels like it could be a part of a gladiator’s arena, with its elegant curvature and balanced design. The large building at its core continues the rounded theme with its curved design and dual entrances.
Even the colors of the base flow well and, whether planned or not, match well with the coloration of the Vanwyrm Pal that the character is flying using as a mount to take this picture. The entire base exudes an impression of strength and functionality, mixed with equal parts magnificence.
Rising Up From The Ruins
Created By Reddit User Stonkes_Go_Up
Rather than simply starting from nothing, Reddit user stonkes_go_up decided to use some ruins as the foundations for their base. By incorporating this feature and building off of it, their base feels more like a natural part of the landscape while also continuing to offer protection and beauty.

7 Things You Can Do With Your Caught Human In Palworld
Palworld will allow players to capture humans the same way as Pals, but there aren’t very many good uses for them after being caught.
They said in their post that this area is used for farming/breeding and keeping merchants in to buy from. Being able to keep a merchant in a base in Palworld is one of the few benefits of capturing humans in the game, although anyone trying this is advised to use caution if playing on a multiplayer server.
Home Sweet Home In Palworld
Created By Reddit User ChromedDragon
ChromedDragon from Reddit built a home in Palworld that could easily be something out of the real world. This beautiful stone home looks comfortable and peaceful, with a comfortable picnic table setup and an overall feeling of serenity.
Rather than a bustling place of work, this homestead could be a place to kick back and relax. Hopefully, they have some form of protective barrier outside the picture or have turned off the option for raids in the world settings of their game since it doesn’t appear to be very well protected.
A Scenic Waterfall Location
Created By Reddit User ForsakenEntity
This waterfall may not seem like a good spot for building a base, but with a little engineering, Reddit user forsakenEntity not only made it work but made it a beautiful and safe spot. It looks almost like a calming seaside resort hotel with its rushing waters and cliffside views, and it would be nice to be able to see inside the place as well.
Its placement beside steep cliffs and waters also lends itself to added protection using the natural contours of the landscape. Though it can’t be seen well, it appears that the base extends on the other side of the water as well, offering space for Pals to do their work.
Clean Angles For An Ore & Coal Farm Base
Created By Reddit User Constant-Ear8344
The striking lines that Reddit user Constant-Ear8344 used in this base build for Palworld are equal parts beautiful and fearsome, bringing to mind the idea of spikes guarding the rooftop. This base is also a perfect example of how beauty and functionality can blend, although it likely took quite a bit of patient effort from its creator to build.
Home to ore and coal operations, this base can beautifully protect the Pals that work within while adding to the landscape rather than looking like an eyesore on the horizon. It shows that a Palworld base can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Beautiful Mountaintop Home
Created By Reddit User Gravillsvin
Reddit user Gravillsvin shared images of their beautiful castle-like base in Palworld, including the inner bedroom area with its calming design. This massive structure is set up on a cliff with walls protecting it from other sides, with the walls set low enough that the house itself appears to float above on its own rather than being covered up with the walls as many do.
The openness of the building also makes it an easy landing area when using flying mounts, and the comfortable location is a haven from the dangers existing in the world. This base design shows how creative some players can get with their builds in Palworld.
Source: Reddit/Zathura2, Chudsicles, PbPunk007, Gladiator_001, Stonkes_go_up, forsakenEntity, Constant-Ear8344, Gravillsvin, silver-potato-kebab, PivotsForDays, LmL-coco, Control_90, PhealixOG, Commercial_Neck8986, River922/Reddit, SergeantDaRkS/Reddit, Biscuit1592/Reddit, Bakaforever2/Reddit, WavyGravyO2/Reddit

- Released
January 19, 2024
- Developer(s)
Pocket Pair, Inc.
- Publisher(s)
Pocket Pair, Inc.
T For Teen Due To Violence
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