Although horror is a movie genre of its own, there are several non-horror movies that have strange scenes that terrify children. Horror is a vast genre with many iconic franchises, including Scream, Halloween, and Friday the 13th. Despite the wide-encompassing genre, not all horror movies or TV shows are necessarily terrifying. There are even horror books that are not too scary, even if they provide a fright now and then. There are also several scary movies that are not horror films at all.
Sometimes, Hollywood produces media for children that is not meant to be scary, but they frighten kids regardless. There are several scary TV shows for kids, while other iconic kids’ shows have unforgettable scary moments. These scenes are scary because of shocking deaths, character nightmares, or grotesque appearances of fantastical entities. Aside from TV shows, several films also have horrifying scenes that have utterly terrified kids, despite the film itself not being a horror movie. They are terrifying for similar reasons, but other reasons also include creepy background music and lasting character impressions.
10 The Boat Ride
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971)
In Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, the children, their parents, and Mr. Wonka get on a boat to travel inside the factory and continue the tour. The boat ride takes a turn for the worse when they enter a tunnel and start traveling at full speed. The scene is terrifying because of the sharp background music, dark colors, and Mr. Wonka’s scary voice. The boat ride is noticeably less terrifying in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, another difference between the 1971 and 2005 films.
9 Large Marge
Pee-wee’s Big Adventure (1985)
Part of Pee-wee Herman’s journey to find his bicycle involves getting a ride from a ghost truck driver. This scene is scary because of Large Marge’s unexpected physical transformation while telling her story, which is a jump scare. Large Marge’s laugh after dropping off Pee-wee is also considerably terrifying.
8 The Motorist’s Murder
Clue (1985)
Clue is undoubtedly a comedy, but watching the film as a kid can definitely be scarring. One of the most horrifying scenes involves the power going out and the mystery murderer killing three more people—Yvette, the maid, the cop, and the singing telegram girl, who turns out to be Professor Plum’s former patient. The eerie background music, the creepy anticipation before each murder, and the utter darkness make this scene terrifying for kids.
7 Judge Doom’s Eyes
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a strange film to begin with, but the revelation of Judge Doom as a toon is quite terrifying. His eyeballs fall out of their sockets, landing on the floor, while Judge Doom reveals his real eyes. It is a ghastly moment because of the animated eyes popping out of a live-action body’s sockets. It is especially terrifying because Judge Doom can transform his toon eyes while being in his live-action body, making it even scarier. Judge Doom’s eyes remain horrifying up until he truly dies.
6 Little Boys Love Snakes
The Witches
Sometimes, dark comedy films can have scenes that terrify children, which is the case in the movie The Witches. A witch tries to trick Luke into coming down from his tree house, but he stands his ground. Nevertheless, the witch’s demeanor is terrifying, from her unexpected purple eyes to her demure but compelling voice. It certainly does not help when the witch pulls out a snake, and her eyes become crazed.
5 Scar Kills Mufasa
The Lion King (1994)
One of cinema’s most tragic scenes also happens to be one of the most horrifying scenes from a non-horror movie. Everything about Mufasa’s untimely death is terrifying—Scar’s low and dangerous voice, Mufasa’s fall in slow motion, Simba’s horrifying scream, and, of course, the tragic aftermath. Although Mufasa’s death is one of Disney’s more tragic moments, the film overall is still happier than some of Disney’s other heartbreaking films.
4 Hopper’s Introduction
A Bug’s Life (1998)
There are a few aspects of A Bug’s Life that are scary, from the animated large bird to the mosquitoes’ grotesque home. However, Hopper’s introduction is the most terrifying scene in the entire film. The scene is terrifying from the moment the ants anxiously wait in the dark for the mosquitoes to eat and leave until after the last mosquito flies away. The mosquitoes are animated significantly bigger and more realistic than the ants, which is what makes Hopper’s introduction staggering and horrifying.
3 The Aliens Apologize For Almost Destroying The Town
Chicken Little (2005)
Chicken Little is definitely one of the more bizarre Disney movies with strange messaging, but one of the final scenes in the film is just downright horrifying. The aliens trick their voices into sounding horrifying to scare the residents of Oakey Oaks. Although their voices turn out to be fake, the scene remains scary because of Foxy Loxy’s sudden entrance as her new self. Foxy Loxy permanently remaining a girly and overly kind fox keeps the scary atmosphere, even if it is more subtle.
2 The Wildebeests Get Ready To Eat The Lions
The Wild (2006)
The Wild is Disney’s attempt at their own version of Madagascar, and the film proves that Disney should let some stories remain with Dreamworks. The Wild is the furthest thing from a horror film, and yet the entire movie is more horrifying than many horror films. One of the scariest scenes in The Wild is when Ryan and Samson fight back against the wildebeests as they prepare to enact their plan— to change the food chain by eating lions. Kazar is a crazed villain with a terrifying voice, which is why the moments leading up to his plan are horrifying.
1 Ellie The German Shepherd Dies
A Dog’s Purpose (2017)
Whenever Boss Dog gets reincarnated in A Dog’s Purpose, it is sad to see him at the end of his life. However, one of Boss Dog’s deaths is tragic and terrifying. Boss Dog’s life as a German Shepherd police dog is not as long as some of his other lives because he dies after a criminal unexpectedly shoots him. Boss Dog, living as Ellie in this life, attacked the criminal because he was going to shoot Ellie’s owner and partner. Ellie’s yelp at being shot and the gory scene that follows make this scene terrifying for kids.
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